Lyubomyr R.
Language Proficiency Level
CV (in the original language)
Entrepreneur, Engineer and Talent Hunter.
Accomplished projects' reviews 174
13 January
48 USD
Find people's emails based on LinkedIn profiles
Clarity and clarity of the task set, availability of a clear technical specification.
Ease of contact, accessibility of the client.
27 October 2024
19 USD
Parsing of Wikitia
Everything is great. Thank you for the cooperation.
22 October 2024
24 USD
Classic Editor in Wordpress: add a new formatting element
Дякуємо за відмінну співпрацю! Оплату було проведено вчасно. Було приємно зробити свій внесок у розвиток проекту, і я готовий продовжувати допомагати в майбутньому при виникненні нових завдань чи потреб.
14 October 2024
24 USD
Parsing the website
Everything is great. Thank you for the cooperation.
3 October 2024
48 USD
Manually validate 1800 websites based on certain criteria.
Everything is fine - clear task, quick check, always in touch. I have already recommended Lyubomyr for collaboration more than once)
30 September 2024
96 USD
Develop a logo and banners in different formats for the website. Theme - squash (sport)
Very nice client. Understands what they want. Understands everything. Enjoyed working.
21 September 2024
24 USD
Validate 1800 URLs based on 2 criteria
Everything is great. Thank you for the cooperation.
23 August 2024
48 USD
Selection of images from stock photos, 144 pcs, 770x450, sports theme
I am completely satisfied with the collaboration!
The client always provides guidance and makes adjustments as needed.
I also appreciate the clear specifications)
I recommend for collaboration!
11 July 2024
24 USD
Update (draw new) 4 SVG icons on the website
As always, it's a pleasure to work with Lyubomyr. I recommend! From my side, there was a delay due to problems with the light, I apologize.
9 July 2024
12 USD
Draw SVG icon (badge)
All quickly and wonderfully. I recommend as a customer.
4 July 2024
12 USD
Change the map a little (image in SVG format)
Thank you for your trust, during the work process, a few more tasks were added, but we managed to handle everything, all good
26 June 2024
12 USD
Animated logo2 - Echo
All is well. I recommend Lyubomyr for cooperation.
23 March 2024
14 USD
Gather Ahrefs data by 4700 domains
Fast task and fast payment.
I recommend cooperation!
23 January 2024
12 USD
Linkedin profile is a bit rebuilt.
Everything is great, not significant directions that have been performed.
Thank you for the project!
4 November 2023
36 USD
IT Staff Augmentation (IT Staff Augmentation)
Everything is great. Thank you for cooperation
31 October 2023
12 USD
Test 1 page in Win10 and Firefox
Everything is clear and clear in the setting of the task and requirements, the payment of the duty! Thank you for the interesting task. I recommend cooperation!!The !
11 October 2023
74 USD
Make a beautiful PDF on the basis of a blacklist with text
Everything is OK! I was pleased to collaborate!
5 October 2023
36 USD
Search and collect FB, Instagram, Twitter profiles for 440 companies
Everything is great, the customer is pleasant, the task is clearly set, the check is quick
4 October 2023
132 USD
The company’s mask is a flying mouse!
All super.TZ clear, communication easy) I recommend to collaborate directly)
24 August 2023
50 USD
Import GSheet data to PeopleForce using API
Good, responsible and carefully composed TZ.
Easy contact and patience.
I recommend cooperation)
30 June 2023
48 USD
Posts by Echo
Everything is OK!
I am happy with work.
Rapid checking and receipt of work.
22 June 2023
17 USD
Missing a simple block on the website to sign up for the Email Newsletter
Good, decent person, quickly found a common language and completed the project in a short time.
9 June 2023
45 USD
Дослідити податки для аналогів укр ФОПа в 15 країнах
The work is done, the payment is done. 10 / 10
6 June 2023
16 USD
Перекласти брендбук (PDF) компанії з української на англійську мову
A great customer with a clear task, I recommend!
30 May 2023
72 USD
Investigate taxes for analogues of FOPU ucrus in 15 countries
A customer as a customer! But be careful, I got a situation that I was already in the polygon at the school, accordingly didn't leave the work done, myself clearly why. I got a negative feedback by writing which I'm bad, from just about my position I let you say, although I knew about it, and see that I've not gone out on the net for 3 weeks. so if he's something wrong, - prepare for the heavenly fate) I'll see what hero will be when he's called for a free trip to the east)))
26 May 2023
60 USD
Підібрати 293 картинки розміром 1140х500 по заданим темах
Everything is well. Thank you for cooperation!
26 May 2023
19 USD
Оновити версію MySQL на сервері
Everything passed successfully, Louvre provided all the necessary accesses, and all the time was on the link, immediately paid the project. I recommend it!
27 April 2023
24 USD
4 Video Installation for Tick Stream
Everything is as always good! We work clearly, quickly and to the outcome!The !
11 April 2023
18 USD
3 . Installation Video for Tick Stream
A pleasant customer. It’s not the first time we work. Further – more !and 😉
4 April 2023
12 USD
2 Installation video
A good commander. Two projects have been closed with him. Further – more !and 🙂
4 April 2023
12 USD
Install video for Tick-Tok.
It was very pleasant to cooperate, the clarity and clarity of the task set, the presence of a clear TZ.
4 April 2023
10 USD
Flip (rotate) and rename 175 images
I am happy with work. I recommend it.
4 April 2023
12 USD
Installing video for Tick-Tok
A very good order. They quickly found a common language with him. Everything at a higher level. I recommend and hope for further cooperation!and 🙂
4 April 2023
12 USD
Processing pictures of books from the previous project
Everything as always: timeline of payment, clarity and clarity of the assigned task, constant connection. I recommend it.
3 April 2023
14 USD
Spart information on books from 2601 pages in CSV/GSpreadSheet
The project at first glance seemed easy. But they managed. The customer is constantly in contact. Payment is paid timely. I hope to cooperate in the future and I also recommend everyone to cooperate.
20 March 2023
72 USD
Recruitment agencies from Latin America
It’s great, I recommend cooperation.
11 March 2023
12 USD
Make 10 pictures in the style of "This is Ukraine"
Honest and adequate customer!
11 March 2023
14 USD
3 small fixes on the site of Echo
Everything is OK!
Working pleased
10 March 2023
36 USD
Go to Google Analytics 4
I recommend the love before spyware. Almost a day online. I get to it very quickly.
Quick check, clear task, high contact - I recommend Love to cooperate.
2 March 2023
Translation of the text of the HR theme (550 words) - Ukr to Eng♰ Anna K.
Thank you for cooperation. Everything OK
2 March 2023
Translation of the text of the HR theme (550 words) - Ukr to Engibh Svitlana S.
Everything is OK.
Translation of the works into the manual.
2 March 2023
Translation of the text of HR themes (550 words) - Ukr to Eng♰ Taras Kuziv
Clear TZ, excellent communication and quick check. I will be happy with the new projects. I recommend it!
2 March 2023
12 USD
Translation of the small text of the HR theme (550 words) - Ukr to Eng
Professional and responsible. Thank you for confidence!
26 February 2023
14 USD
Spartak 8827 companies with in CSV
Everything is great. Thank you for cooperation
30 January 2023
14 USD
Visualization of the package and the company’s advantages.
Thank you very much for the pleasant collaboration and interesting project!
Everything is great! to turn )
23 January 2023
19 USD
Write short notes about 3 famous Ukr Python Developers (ENG)
I recommend to work together, all of it.
| Response feedback
18 January 2023
19 USD
Add light animation to the logo in the SVG format
Everything is wonderful! I recommend Love to collaborate.
17 January 2023
14 USD
Make a SVG picture with a map of Europe and distinguish the countries you need
Everything is clear. and clearly. quick answers. A pleasant customer.
15 January 2023
19 USD
The website of Echo
I am happy with the work 😉
Clear TZ and fast checking
28 December 2022
19 USD
CSS/JS 2 pages on the contact form of the site
It’s all well 🙂
I'm happy to work, I recommend it 😉
5 December 2022
62 USD
Contact and collect information about the terms of cooperation of 385 IT outsourcing firms
Everything is well. I recommend the customer to cooperate.
18 October 2022
16 USD
Parking 317 German Articles
Everything is great. Thank you for cooperation
3 October 2022
19 USD
Developing 5 stylized highlights (stories) for a page in Instagram
All good, the customer is good and pleasant in communication! I hope for further cooperation.
26 September 2022
36 USD
Generation of 180 short ENG texts with AI (ClosersCopy)
We do not work together for the first time. Everything is well.
7 September 2022
191 USD
Developing a simple e-mail report on a PeopleForce API basis
Everything is well. I recommend the customer to cooperate. Very pleasant to work together 🙂
| Response feedback
5 September 2022
19 USD
Gather information from the section About in LinkedIn about 617 people
Everything is great.
The task is clear, the customer checked quickly.
I recommend cooperation.
2 September 2022
14 USD
Screenshots are required in size 1140x500 for 617 sites
Everything is well. I recommend the customer to cooperate.
1 September 2022
17 USD
Choose images in size 1140x500 for 209 IT companies
TZ is well described, but in the process of work it was harder to find a photo than it was expected. They quickly described the routes and took work.
20 August 2022
Remove images and cut relevant areas for 576 companies
Everything is great)
Thanks to!
I recommend !
18 August 2022
SPARCITY PHOTO 617 companies with DOU
Everything is great.
Thank you for the project!!The !
16 August 2022
Gather information (yes/no) about 617 IT companies on YouControl
Everything is wonderful! I recommend !
Everything is wonderful! I recommend !
Everything is wonderful! I recommend !
Everything is wonderful! I recommend !
16 August 2022
17 USD
Python: Calculate the best. “Side” companies based on their lat/long
Good customer, good quality, instant payment. Thank you for cooperation. I recommend it!
14 August 2022
Parking reviews from DOU (617 companies)
Everything is great.
Thank you for the project!
13 August 2022
24 USD
Choose images 1140x500 for 22 cities of Ukraine + effects
Love is a professional customer with high quality task and fast communication.
I recommend cooperation!
11 August 2022
Gather reviews from Klatch
Everything is wonderful.
Thank you for the project.
Go back again!
8 August 2022
14 USD
Gather simple information (yes/no) from social network 617 IT companies
Love is a great commander.
The task is clear, the communication is pleasant, I recommend!
7 August 2022
12 USD
Get GitHub Profiles for 617 IT Companies
Everything is great.
Thank you for the project.
Go back again!
6 August 2022
14 USD
Gather information (yes/no) about the affiliation of 617 IT companies to the cluster
I am very pleased with work. and thank you.
5 August 2022
Collect profiles for 617 IT companies
Everything is great.
Thank you for the project.
Go back again!
5 August 2022
Block of Business Entity (Business Entity)
Everything is great.
Thank you for the project.
Go back again!
4 August 2022
239 USD
Customization of WordPress plugin + import data from CSV
I really liked the love of love. A good conversation, a pleasant communication.
It’s very comfortable to work with the Lover.
The task is clearly set. The customer is always in contact.
I recommend it!
22 July 2022
10 USD
Searching for contacts of managers 84 recruitment agencies
Strictly formed TZ, quick checking of the work done, I recommend the customer.
21 July 2022
Convert 600 images into JPG and to the size of 200x200 pixels
Thank you for the project. A patient and patient client. I recommend it.
1 July 2022
60 USD
Find/cover Linkedin profiles of 620 IT companies in Ukraine
Everything is fine, work according to the instructions, everything is simple and clear.
1 July 2022
10 USD
Install video chat (20 minutes) between two persons in the studio.
A great commander! Working with Love is a pleasure. Clearly formed TZ, quick response to all requests and quick verification of the work done. I look forward to cooperation in the future, and I recommend the customer!
| Response feedback
28 June 2022
Find the postal index for 620 Ukr. addresses
Very pleasant customer, clear TZ, when questions arise - I've always been in contact) I'm glad to re-work!
27 June 2022
12 USD
Find an office address in Ukraine for 105 IT companies
Thank you for cooperation, sorry for the delay. I recommend the customer.
23 June 2022
17 USD
Find a photo of 117 IT companies
Thank you for the clear TZ and clear explanation regarding the performance in the process, I recommend this customer for cooperation!
21 June 2022
12 USD
Get a contact phone for 86 IT companies
I am happy with work.
Quick response and checking work.
26 May 2022
12 USD
Rewrite text "How to help Ukraine" (900 слів)
Love is a great commander. He clearly set the TZ and gave an honest feedback. It’s nice to work with such people.
22 May 2022
14 USD
Collection of official pages of companies on Facebook and Instagram
I am satisfied with work. The customer is always in contact. Everything is great. I recommend it.
20 May 2022
12 USD
Збір (пошук) офіційних мейлів та сторінок в Linkedin (200 ІТ компаній)
Thank you for cooperation. It’s great, I hope for further cooperation.
9 March 2022
14 USD
Renew the logos and storage in social networks (in Ukr. The Theme)
Thank you for the project!
Everything is great, the task is placed clear, fast and clear feedback.
13 January 2022
11 USD
Small links on the WordPress site
Clearly assigned task, the customer is always in contact. I recommend ! I hope for further cooperation.
7 January 2022
19 USD
List of IT recruitment agencies of Ukraine
The collaboration is satisfied, a clearly set task, fast contact and verification of work. I recommend it.
7 January 2022
22 USD
Фільтрація компаній з (2000шт)
pleasant to collaborate. Reply quickly. Payment is timely.
29 December 2021
10 USD
Картинка новорічна Ехо 2022
As always, great work and fast feedback.
28 December 2021
14 USD
Обробка даних
Cooperation went well. I recommend !
27 December 2021
86 USD
Implementing deep optimization of PageSpeed and Core Web Vitals sites
Congratulated with collaboration!
Great customer, I recommend it to everyone!
Always in communication and well introduced into the course of the matter.
Only positive associations from work.
We will continue to cooperate.
24 December 2021
22 USD
Фільтрація компаній з (1700шт)
Чітке ТЗ, замовник на зв'язку, швидко перевірили роботу.
20 December 2021
22 USD
Фільтрація компаній з ДОУ (2000шт)
Четкое ТЗ, быстрая проверка и оплата. Рекомендую.
16 December 2021
14 USD
Parking Base Dou Reviews in XSL/CSV
All is OK. Clean TZ, quick check and payment.
10 December 2021
22 USD
Відфільтрувати список ІТ компаній з (Nadegda)
Чітке ТЗ, оперативний звязок
8 December 2021
22 USD
Відфільтрувати список ІТ компаній з
Приємно співпрацювати.
Відповідає швидко.
Оплата своєчасна.
8 December 2021
14 USD
Filter a list of 11,000 IT companies from
Все ок , рекомендую к сотрудничеству
| Response feedback
8 November 2021
72 USD
Advertising in Google Ads and FB
I recommend love cooperation! Man on one wave. It forms the issues and objectives of the project correctly and correctly. There is something to learn from man!!! I recommend everyone to cooperate.
15 September 2021
12 USD
Simple PHP script check or fill some fields through the API
Clear TZ, all clarified, the customer on the contact, quickly checked the work.
Happy collaboration!
22 July 2021
57 USD
Написання 2 текстів на сайт на тему найма програмістів (English)
Любомир достаточно нестандартный заказчик со специфическими требованиями и уникальным пониманием задач. Изначально он не совсем понял модель работы украинского копирайтера с англоязычными текстами, но в финале мы все равно пришли к адекватной работе. Получила ценный фидбек.
8 July 2021
11 USD
Writing 11 texts on a website on the topic of programming (English)
Everything is fine, unfortunately, we and Lubomir did not find a common language, but in general a good adequate customer. I can recommend.
7 July 2021
14 USD
Select (processing) already ready relevant images to keywords 2
Everything is great!
I recommend the customer. Excellent and well-developed TZ.
We will work.
5 July 2021
28 USD
1 з 11 текстів на сайт на тему найма програмістів (English)
Сотрудничество прошло хорошо. Рекомендую!
4 July 2021
14 USD
1 з 11 текстів на сайт на тему найма програмістів (PHP)
Оплата *
8 из 10
Своєчасність оплати, відповідність зазначеним умовам.
Постановка задачі *
8 из 10
Чіткість і ясність поставленого завдання, наявність чіткого ТЗ.
Вимоги *
8 из 10
Обґрунтованість та адекватність вимог до проєкту.
Контактність *
9 из 10
Легкість виходу на контакт, доступність замовника.
28 June 2021
12 USD
Create new icons on the site for Career section
It is a pleasure to work with Love! I am a responsible officer,
It always gives a reverse connection.
13 June 2021
36 USD
Wordpress Plugin WP Job Openings
A very pleasant customer.
Quite assigned tasks, quick response, immediate payment.
Thank you for confidence.
18 May 2021
10 USD
List list (ul, li) according to design
Well, I recommend cooperation.👍
18 May 2021
34 USD
4 картинки для сайта
В друге працювали з Любомиром. Роботою задоволена 🙂
12 May 2021
19 USD
Make 12 pictures with graphics
Brightness and rapidity! I recommend it!
7 May 2021
22 USD
Create 12 images with logos of well-known companies
A great commander. A clear TZ and an operational connection!
7 May 2021
72 USD
Stylizing 12 images for articles about programming languages
Very pleased with the work)
Lubomir described the task well, responded quickly and was very pleasant in communication.
22 February 2021
237 USD
Writing 4 texts in English (IT theme)
Interesting task and an interesting customer. He is a very loving person and very responsible. I recommend it.
22 February 2021
29 USD
Filtering brands from the list
Correct and clearly set task, good feedback and timely payment. thank you.
14 November 2020
31 USD
Convert PDF presentation to PowerPoint or Google Slides
Thank you for the interesting project and timely feedback throughout the task. I would recommend cooperation and will be happy to help in the following projects.
29 October 2020
Cover (cover, background) on the LinkedIn profile
They worked quickly and smoothly. Thank you for the project.
17 July 2020
26 USD
Збільшення обсягу тексту рамках ТЗ "Текст з оглядом ІТ ринку..."
Все чудово, дякую за співпрацю.
23 April 2020
36 USD
Уже работали.
Ничего не поменялось.
Четкое и понятное ТЗ.
Быстрая проверка и оплата.
20 April 2020
29 USD
Data from the site
Everything is great.
Clear TZ .
Fast and decent payment.
A quick check.
I recommend the employment.
30 September 2019
20 USD
Фільтрування структури текстів в блозі на Wordpress (англ.мова)
Все добре!
Рекомендую до співпраці)
12 September 2019
Select 126 images on the site
Clear requirements, fast payment, pleasant cooperation!
3 September 2019
25 USD
Preparing 7 Simple Illustrations for a Blog Post
It’s not the first time we work, a good customer – I recommend it!
TZ clearly written without incomprehensible descriptions, connection on the level!
16 August 2019
36 USD
Create a list of messages for disavow
Thank you for cooperation!
Love was always in contact, the task was placed clearly and clearly. I hope that the done work will help in the promotion of the site and the customer’s business.
19 July 2019
26 USD
Текст з оглядом ІТ ринку одного з міст України (англійською) — персональный проект для Анастасії Соголовської
Любомир чітко поставив завдання, завжди був на зв'язку, готовий обговорити деталі та піти назустріч.
Буду рада подальшій співпраці.
5 July 2019
29 USD
Preparation of illustrations (infographics) for the blog article
It was very easy and comfortable to work with Louvre. The project is clearly and clearly described. At any question on the project received clear and rapid answers. A great customer. Thank you for your collaboration!!!The !
16 June 2019
Make 4 icons in the same style as in the example
Everything is clear, quick and easy, I recommend.
16 June 2019
12 USD
No recharge of the server on Hetzner (supported by KVM)
The customer quickly delivered all the materials and accesses, paid the project immediately. Pleasant in communication. I recommend to everyone!
21 September 2018
24 USD
Парсинг даних з
Очередной раз рад сотрудничеству 🙂
19 August 2018
36 USD
Parsetting data from
Clearness and clarity of the tasks = successful fulfillment. I hope for further cooperation 😉
23 July 2018
17 USD
Completion of the Contact Base
As always, a good job, a pleasant job.
13 July 2018
29 USD
Get 5 startups in 106 business industries and save on the site.
A very good customer, an unusual, but not too difficult task that was well paid. It is a pleasure to deal with such decent people. Thank you for your work, I hope for further cooperation. I recommend !
1 July 2018
48 USD
Написання 40 текстовок коротких
Отличный заказчик, приятно было поработать.
17 May 2018
18 USD
Змонтувати аматорську зйомку корпоративу (рафтингу)
Приємно працювати з такими чудовими людьми! Все супер! 10 з 10.
10 May 2018
24 USD
Проект СЯ (семантичне ядро) і підбір ключових слів для Микити
Все чітко і ясно. Рекомендую.
The customer responds quickly and makes decisions. Payment is instantaneous. Everything according to agreements
6 May 2018
Пошук контактної інформації керівників компаній №3
Рекомендую до співпраці. Все дуже чітко та ясно. Приємно працювати з замовником
27 April 2018
Search for contact information for 50th corporate managers
A good job and a pleasant collaboration! I recommend it!
24 April 2018
26 USD
Fill content (screenshot, description, URL) 54 pages on the site
Чітко поставив завдання та показав приклад оформлення. Оперативно виходив на зв'язок та відповідав на питання. Рекомендую до співпраці!
| Response feedback
27 March 2018
24 USD
Парсинг сайтів та генераціях їх скріншотів
Вже далеко не перше замовлення, цікава робота, гідна оплата. Повністю задоволений.
22 March 2018
Completing the Company Base
The task was clearly set, it was pleasant to work with the customer.
20 March 2018
12 USD
Додати на сайт 65 сторінок по технологіях
Все відмінно, з Любомиром завжди приємно працювати. Швидка перевірка, швидка оплата і чітке ТЗ.
14 March 2018
48 USD
Написання 40 заміток коротких
Рекомендую Любомира как заказчика, задача поставлена четко, конкретные требования, контактность и моментальная оплата.
11 March 2018
Дополнительное задание по картинкам к постам на сайте
Работа Интересная! Спасибо за сотрудничество в очередной раз!
Заказчик ставит конкретные задачи, Оплата соответствующая. Заказчик всегда на связи! Рекомендую!
11 March 2018
12 USD
Simple Parking of Brands
A clear, detailed description of the task, informative answers to clarificing questions.
We are prepared to take up new tasks from this customer.
9 March 2018
24 USD
Парсинг сайтів та генераціях їх скріншотів з експортом у ВП
Складне й незвичне замовлення. Новий досвід і, як завжди, задоволений співпрацею.
8 March 2018
22 USD
Selecting and placing images (icons) from on the WP website
I advise Louvre as a customer) Requirements were placed accurately! Payment is timely and worthy. I will be happy to collaborate next time.
20 February 2018
29 USD
Posting 20 posts in the forums (ENG)
Love is a good customer. He set clear tasks, quickly came out to the contact, did not ask excessive questions and adjusted the course of work. I recommend it!
19 February 2018
12 USD
Додати на сайт 59 сторінок
Цікаве завдання, чіткі вимоги. З Любомиром приємно працювати. Перевірка і оплата завдання вчасно.
13 February 2018
10 USD
Writing 10 Articles Review (Ukr.) Courses in Leuven
Everything would be fine, but it was not clearly explained what requirements to the structure of the text, its layout and how to submit information. Therefore, the final result was such an incomprehension of the sides. In any case, you need to remain correct and not move on to the personality.
9 February 2018
24 USD
Parking books from to WordPress
He knows what he wants, he is adequately attracted to the work done. I was very pleased with the collaboration, I recommend.
24 January 2018
12 USD
Створення додаткових сторінок під конференції
По всіх критеріях - прекрасний замовник. Чітке завдання, своєчасна оплата і навіть гарна мотивація.
20 January 2018
Рерайт статті (English), тематика ІТ
Все как обычно чудесно
19 January 2018
12 USD
On the basis of an amateur film trip to London should make a film
A great commander! It’s easy to work with such people. Thank you for cooperation!
18 January 2018
Рерайт статьи по Agile
Как обычно: четкое ТЗ, отзывчивость, ясные условия и моментальная оплата. Спасибо и до новых встреч)
17 January 2018
10 USD
Вичитка та редагування текстів після перекладу RUS-UKR (News only)
Дякую за надану можливість долучитись до цікавого проекту.
Любомир висуває адекватні вимоги, підтримує контакт
із виконавцем, порядний замовник і вмілий організатор.
Рекомендую до співпраці.
14 January 2018
12 USD
Search and copy to the Questions/Responses website
This was my first job at Freelancer. I really liked collaborating with Lubomir, because communication about the task and the formulation of the task at a high level. In addition, the topic is interesting.
I recommend Love as a wonderful customer.
9 January 2018
12 USD
Recognize (OCR) 199 images with text in English. + Examination
Thank you for the interesting project. All the nuances can be discussed, constantly in contact. I recommend as a responsible customer with whom you can work.
9 January 2018
12 USD
Вичитка та редагування текстів після перекладу RUS-UKR (News only)
Працювати з Любомиром приємно: вимогливий, чітко формулює завдання, тримає виконання під контролем, приязний у спілкуванні. Гарний замовник, рекомендую до співпраці.
6 January 2018
10 USD
Вичитка та редагування текстів після перекладу RUS-UKR (ЧТ-ПТ)
Работать с Любомиром как всегда легко. К сожалению не совсем справилась. Но надеюсь на дальнейшее сотрудничество в других проектах.
4 January 2018
The English text (English text). The theme is IT.
Замовник комунікабельний і завжди виходить на контакт. Оплата вчасна без затримок. Робила рерайт ІТ тексту. В цій сфері маю знання на рівні користувача. Можливо, це основна причина того, що замовник залишився не вдоволеним результатом. Судячи з того, що він спитав мене про рівень моїх знань в ІТ (вже після того, як вибрав виконавцем), він, певно, розраховував на глибокі знання. Але якби я була ІТ-шником, я б не займалася рерайтингом і копірайтингом. Тобто за невелику плату замовник ставить нереальні вимоги. Все ж, я виконала замовлення на високопрофесійному рівні, унікальність висока – 100 %, помилок немає. Але співпрацювати з таким і подібними замовниками немає бажання, вимоги неадекватні.
| Response feedback
3 January 2018
Reading and editing text after translation RUS-UKR
The task is clearly set. Payment is made in time through the seafood. I recommend the customer.
14 December 2017
36 USD
WP plugin Indeed
Отличное тз, быстрый перевод средств, в общем все отлично 🙂
A great commander. I explained the task and paid it timely.
I recommend it!
22 November 2017
Small directions of the finished brochure in EPS format
It clearly formulates the tasks, assesses the results professionally and objectively. I recommend it.
20 November 2017
19 USD
Screenshots in Python (Selenium)
Good customer, good time, good payment.
I recommend
31 October 2017
Небольшой рерайт
Все хорошо, спасибо
23 October 2017
You need to select 166 modern technology logos in size 128x128
The customer clearly formulates the task, professionally and objectively evaluates the result. Always in contact. Current and interesting topic. A good payment. I am happy with work. I recommend it.
10 October 2017
Submitting a photo
A good buyer. I recommend the community.)
9 October 2017
10 USD
Стаття-дослідження на ІТ тему
Замовник чітко формулює завдання, професійно й об'єктивно оцінює результат. Завжди на зв'язку. Актуальна та цікава тема. Гідна оплата. Співпрацею задоволений. Рекомендую.
6 October 2017
19 USD
Доповнити та розширити 2 статті англійською
Изначально не доконца разобрались с тех. заданием, за это минус один пункт за формулировку задания. После того как четко разобрались, все было значительно проще.
Тем не менее, заказчик четко понимает и знает, что требует. В ходе выполнения задания подсказывает и уточняет, легко идет на контакт. Понравился подход и общение. Будем работать дальше =)
19 September 2017
Наповнення бази компаній та імейлів їх керівників №2
Приємно було співпрацювати, задача поставлена чітко, інструкції додавались.
14 September 2017
16 USD
Обробка баз кандидатів в PersiaHR (Python)
Как всегда было приятно работать. Надеюсь на дальнейшее сотрудничество.))
11 September 2017
16 USD
Обробка баз кандидатів в PersiaHR
Было снова приятно работать с Любомиром. Рекомендую
8 September 2017
36 USD
Development of the WordPress plugin (for output and synchronization with PersiaHR)
A good customer. Clean TZ, fast payment. I recommend ! and 🙂
7 September 2017
Processing of candidate bases (recruiting)
Detailed instructions for the performance of the task were provided. The customer was always in contact. I recommend it.
6 September 2017
Processing of candidate bases (recruiting). Project for Oksana Chopak
The requirement is to get acquainted with the TZ, enter the course of the case, and make 80 queries in 7 hours a little bit narrow. Thus, the buyer
Contests 2
29 September 2022
143,58 USD
Обличчя бренду (mascot) для IT аустаффінг та рекрутинг компанії

Робота Вікторії найкраще відповідає очікуваням конкурсу.
8 September 2018
47,86 USD
Неймінг домена для IT (Software Developement) компанії

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