Igor Z.

Content Management Systems
from 7 USD per hour
- Data Parsing
Databases & SQL
from 6 USD per hour
- Desktop Apps
- Embedded Systems & Microcontrollers
from 8 USD per hour
- Javascript and Typescript
from 6 USD per hour
Web Programming
from 6 USD per hour
Design & art
- Banners
- Corporate Style
- Interface Design (UI/UX)
Web Design
from 6 USD per hour
- Customer Support
- Data Processing
Online Stores & E-commerce
from 6 USD per hour
- Payment Systems Integration
Website Development
from 241 USD per project
Website Maintenance
from 72 USD per month
Outsourcing & consulting
- All works 124
- Interface Design (UI/UX) 1
- Online Stores & E-commerce 62
- Website Development 56
- HTML & CSS 5
Landing - Car delivery from the USA
Website DevelopmentDesign, layout, and setup done on WordPress
Corporate website for heat pumps and air conditioning in the USA
Website DevelopmentExecuted on CMS WordPress, design, layout, several calculators
Website of the company for sale and service. Laser medical equipment
Website DevelopmentDesign and Implementation in WordPress
Website DevelopmentWebsite development for the company AWARDER, which is the leading producer of the hours under order with an individual logo
Made in Wordpress
Website of Web Studies
Website DevelopmentDesign and implementation of the project in WordPress
The Car Portal - Israel
Website DevelopmentDevelopment of design, layer, implementation of personal office, admin and everything you need for the full functioning of such a service, back on labels
Property Agency
Website DevelopmentCreation of the real estate site on fw Laravel
Design development, layer, admin, synchronization with crm
Website DevelopmentDesign, Wrap, Back Laravel
Realised the full function of trading + admin for convenient conduct
Online Auction
Lending by clinic with calculator
Website DevelopmentStack react/laravel + adminka
Development of a thoughtful and multi-level calculator
All the parameters in admin.
B2B stock clearance marketplace for FMCG
Website DevelopmentB2B clearing platform for FMCG
Service written on fw Laravel with administrator and personal office
Trading platform with crm, admin, chat and personal office
Website DevelopmentIt is a secondary liquidity market platform where qualified investors can interact with each other directly, without the participation of brokers and other intermediaries.
Stack - Laravel, made platform design, personal office, chat, crm and admin, all under key
The honey exchange
Website DevelopmentDevelopment of the honey exchange design and implementation of functionality on fw Laravel
Development of the website on Vue
Website DevelopmentThe client side of the application developed on Vue.
Interaction with the backend using the Vuex Axios API
Website of Charitable Organization
Website DevelopmentThe charity site on WordPress,
Design, drawing and stretching on the VP
Redesign of the corporate website, layer and pressure on WP
Website DevelopmentRedesign of the corporate website, layer and pressure on WP
Reviews and compliments on completed projects 57
18 August 2024
12 USD
Paid consultation for creating a job vacancy website
The consultation went great, I received answers to all my questions and I already understand which way to implement the website is the best, what nuances there are, the necessary budgets and timelines, etc. The professionalism and responsible attitude are evident.
8 August 2023
361 USD
Proposals for the prototype project
Excellent work as before, real professionals
23 June 2023
205 USD
Destroy the prototype
Excellent work, attention to the details, always in contact. I recommend
22 May 2023
144 USD
Prototype of the project, dop page
Great work, we continue cooperation.
10 May 2023
120 USD
Projects of 3 Projects
Excellent work, fast, professional, always in contact
4 October 2021
48 USD
Page list (long-term cooperation)
Great cooperation, everything is better than expected. The carrier is very contactful and constantly in contact. It suggests how you can do better and more literally. It was so long as I thought, but quality. You can only recommend.
18 August 2021
241 USD
Page of the product card
A great team of professionals!
The task is done, we are happy.
18 December 2020
168 USD
List of online shop pages by model
The work is performed quality and before the agreed deadline. All guidelines and recommendations have been taken into account. The officer was always in contact. I recommend cooperation!
23 October 2020
674 USD
Design and web shop design
The work is done in time, I recommend.
14 October 2020
632 USD
Натяжка вёрстки на ларавель + разработка функционала каталога.
Огромное спасибо Игорю за четкую работу. Буду рад поработать совместно еще раз 🙂
14 September 2020
149 USD
Adaptive edition of the main multi-page site
Strong work, good service. Everything quickly and quickly! Regularly informing about the project. The issues arise are quickly resolved. It’s super cool. My competence is marketing, I’m crazy from good service. I can strongly recommend you to my acquainted entrepreneurs.
I wish success!
| Response feedback
13 September 2020
96 USD
Доработки сайта на woocommerce
Все прекрасно, быстро и профессионально! Спасибо!
10 September 2020
632 USD
Opening the site
Excellent and fast track from a professional. Thank you very much to Igor and his team for clear and fast work of excellent quality.
| Response feedback
28 August 2020
192 USD
Turn 3 pages for a wordpress site
A wonderful performance. Always in contact. I strongly recommend.
24 August 2020
120 USD
Creating a blog on WordPress
Thank you for work! The executive did everything as indicated in the TZ. Be careful, respecting all the details. I recommend !
30 July 2020
71 USD
Design on the Laravel website
Everything is done in time and in accordance with the task. Thank you !
| Response feedback
23 June 2020
Доработки по сайту
Замечательный исполнитель и его команда! Профессиональные, оперативно реагирующие, понимающие с полуслова ребята. Рекомендую!
23 June 2020
74 USD
Адаптивная верстка сайта медицинской клиники
Хороший специалист, работу выполнил. Всегда был на связи.
| Personal | Response feedback
15 June 2020
96 USD
Adaptive website
Excellent adaptive wire. The work was done without delay.
| Safe
| Response feedback
10 March 2020
153 USD
Visit card at the key
The project is performed greatly, the executor is always in contact, he reminds himself of the details that can improve the site.
| Response feedback
6 November 2019
72 USD
Доработка интернет-магазина по ряду задач
Спасибо, работы проделаны хорошо, со всем помогли разобраться. Результат работ будет виден позже, но пока все ок. Надеемся на дальнейшее сотрудничество.
27 June 2019
72 USD
Accelerate the work of the site to 2-3 seconds.
I am satisfied with the work done. The site was getting much faster. They did work in almost 24 hours.
We hope for long-term cooperation!
20 June 2019
48 USD
List of page site
Thank you very much for the speed of work, quality and professionalism.
28 May 2019
120 USD
Creation of a WordPress site by finished design
The comments are left above, thank you all.
16 May 2019
106 USD
Wordpress CSS 6 languages
We have made a quick quality website in 8 languages !!! You can always call and clarify all the nuances!The !
Installed on the server. Satisfied
I can recommend cooperation.
13 May 2019
46 USD
Install modules on the site, online store on the basis of Open Cart
The cooperation was very pleased.
The task was performed quickly, quality and exactly as in TZ.
I liked the attitude to the assigned task, I felt professional.
We recommend.
15 March 2019
481 USD
Разработка интернет-магазина на Opencart
Работа выполнена отлично! Рекомендую исполнителя!
25 January 2019
69 USD
Give it to the cosmetics.
It’s all fine, the work is done at 5+. I recommend to everyone.
11 January 2019
29 USD
Website by Drudge Report
Good work. Good work. Good work. Good work. Good work
23 December 2018
385 USD
Wire of IM cosmetics on opencart on ready patterns
They are genuine professionals. We have completed a very complex design with an individual design of 18 pages. They made complex desktop and mobile version, implemented the functionality. Everyone discusses, always in contact, the comments are corrected, the project has begun immediately. I am very grateful to the team, I will continue to work together and I will recommend it to everyone. thank you. Results from pallada-organics.ru
22 October 2018
14 USD
Перенос домана на хостинг, настройка хостинга почты
Все отлично, благодарю Игоря, рекомендую к работе
18 October 2018
48 USD
minusacija kljuchevih slov
operativno reshili zadachu.
17 October 2018
120 USD
Context Advertising in Adwords and Yandex for the online clothing store
Ochenj dovolni rabotoi izpolnitelja. Prorabotannije kljuchiviki, kachestvennaja minusacija i uchteni vse pozhelanija i sdelano strogo po TZ.
Nemnogo zatjanuli s vipolnenijem zadanija no argumentirovali pochemu i mi ponjali shto oni ochej kachestvenno vse prorabativali.
Rekomendujem k partnjerstvu
10 October 2018
18 USD
Improvement of site
Thank you for the work done!
8 October 2018
72 USD
Restore a wordpress site that was broken after the theme was updated.
I am grateful to this team for doing a job that no one wanted to take, because it required a creative approach and did not describe it in a few simple sentences and required additional analysis.
27 September 2018
34 USD
Сделать правки по сайту
Желаемое совпало с действительным
19 September 2018
Remove Opencart Error
Everything is done professionally! thank you.
30 August 2018
32 USD
правки на сайте wordpress
Желаемое совпало с действительным
30 August 2018
192 USD
The WP Developer
I am satisfied with the work done.
31 July 2018
72 USD
Context advertising (in Russian) in Adwords and Yandex on wholesale clothing.
ochenj dovolni izpolnitelem. Rabotu vipolnil v sroki i kachestvenno. Vse tochno i po sostavlenoi tehnicheskoi zadache. Visoko rekomendujemij izpolnitelj zadach
30 July 2018
241 USD
Creation of an online store on Opencart
Finished a complex project when the customer cannot write the exact TZ and popularly explain what he wants. Not a professional in design and programming, it’s hard to explain on your fingers what you want. I was listened, advised, reworked, always ready to discuss and correct. The most important thing is that the raw project is not stumbled, which is due to a little delayed in time. thank you.
17 July 2018
51 USD
Интернет магазин на шаблоне
Желаемое совпало с действительным
16 July 2018
72 USD
Creating a website on OpenCart
Excellent freelancer, the price/quality ratio is the best that you have found on this stock market. During the work, some bugs were made, which he fixed very quickly. I advise you to go to Igora.
13 July 2018
72 USD
настроика Google Analytics ecommerce
Ochenj davolni rabotoi! Komunikacija operativnaja, rabotajut bistro i otvechajut na vse interesujushije voprosi vo vremja raboti. Ochenj rekomendujem, budjem obrashjatsja jeshe!
11 July 2018
24 USD
Create a web site on Opencart.
Thank you for your quick work and professional advice. A very clearly set process of performing tasks that you will rarely encounter in our time.
I hope for further cooperation.
5 July 2018
60 USD
Contemporary website design
I liked the work! Proper, quality, constant contact with the executive. All wishes are taken into account quickly. It was done faster, even faster than planned. I recommend cooperation.
27 June 2018
48 USD
Реклама в ФБ и инстаграмме
Хочу, чтобы этот отзыв дал чуть больше информации начинающим заказчикам на фрилансе о том, как работают фрилансеры и уберег от ошибки или помог с правильным выбором. По своему опыту - очень тяжело найти на фрилансе ответственных и профессиональных исполнителей по адекватной цене. Особенно, если нужно длительное сотрудничество. Основная масса фрилансеров берут работу одноразово - исполняют ее как-то и потом бесследно исчезают. В этом состоит главная боль заказчика. Очень рада, что нашла именно этого исполнителя. Это уже второй проект у этого исполнителя. Работа четкая, ответственный подход, скорость и профессионализм на лицо! Спасибо за работу! Продолжаем сотрудничество теперь в сопровождении этого проекта. Рекомендую другим заказчикам и сама становлюсь теперь постоянным клиентом.
26 June 2018
102 USD
Repair of the site in WordPress
The game is a great artist, everything has done faster than expected it will be ready, gave good developed explanations about the errors that were on the site, now the site is clean and works well. Always in contact and easily understand what you want to get from him as a result.
Working is pleased. thank you)
26 June 2018
36 USD
Implementation of site
It’s all super!!! Kids, all the tasks were done great and quickly!!The !
14 June 2018
10 USD
Synchronization of the site with Prom.ua
Everything is great. The work is done in time. We will address in the future. Thank you !
12 June 2018
Setting a ready website for hosting
Good specialists ! I recommend!
8 June 2018
Implementation of site
The process was done quality and very quickly. I am satisfied with the result! I will contact in the future. A great thanks!!The !
8 June 2018
12 USD
Short Stories on a Completed Website
Thank you for work! Everything is excellent, performed quality in time, always in contact. In the process of work, an unexpected problem was identified - it was solved in the same budget as a bonus. I hope we will continue cooperation. I recommend !
7 June 2018
Configuration of work/interaction of filters in the website store
Thank you to the game for your work. Everything was done in accordance with the agreements, quickly, quality. I was always in contact, taking into account all my wishes. I am planning to work with the game. I recommend this executive.
6 June 2018
Development of the logo
The design of the company’s logo can be a very difficult process, as it is important to find the image that correctly translates the essence.
I assessed Igor’s ability to turn ideas and words into thoughtful and subtle images. All the times were followed, and what’s more important, we liked the result! Very pleased, I highly recommend!
5 June 2018
24 USD
Make a website with a key
The team of Ivory managed the project well. They quickly and quickly resolved all questions and offered great ideas. Communication at a very high level. It’s nice to work with such people.
2 June 2018
Repair images in WordPress after updating Woocommerce
The project is implemented in accordance with the stated requirements in a short time.
Igor was constantly in contact and found the optimal solutions for all the difficulties arising during the implementation of the project.
All wishes were taken into account. Thank you very much for the work done! A real professional in WordPress and WooCommerce.
Recent proposals 10 | Budget | Added | Terms | Proposal | |
Optical salon website
650 USD
Create a website
1571 USD
Website development
650 USD
Make a website that has such a mobile version.
650 USD
Turnkey website creation
650 USD
Food delivery website development
241 USD
Design, layout of the website
72 USD
Website on the topic of cars from the USA
241 USD
Разработку веб-сайта для бизнеса по экспорту автомобилей /Опыт в разработке авто-сайтов.
361 USD
Develop a window configurator for WordPress (Woocommerce)
27 USD