Denis S.

Language Proficiency Level
Started programming when it wasn't mainstream yet. Moreover, when most people saw a computer only on TV, and phones still had discs and wires. I taught my computer science teacher how to program, and the professors at the university kicked me out of lectures because I corrected their mistakes out loud
Crazy experience in programming business applications
My programs work at enterprises from self-employed to corporations with several thousand employees (most corporate systems are under DNA)
Any relational and noSQL databases
I love difficult tasks and new challenges. There are no tasks that cannot be solved, there are only time and budget constraints
All my programs have a lifetime guarantee - any error is corrected without any time-limits
AI & Machine Learning
from 10 USD per hour
Bot Development
from 10 USD per hour
from 10 USD per hour
- Cryptocurrency & Blockchain
Data Parsing
from 10 USD per hour
Databases & SQL
from 14 USD per hour
Desktop Apps
from 10 USD per hour
Javascript and Typescript
from 10 USD per hour
from 14 USD per hour
- Testing & QA
Design & art
Mobile development
Outsourcing & consulting
- Articles & Blog Posts
Technical Documentation
from 10 USD per hour
60 USD Calculation of delivery time
Web ProgrammingThe address is intended to calculate the time of submission of the order to the kitchen and the transfer of the ready order to the courier.
The data is uploaded from text files with a directory, which are prepared by the service according to statistical data with the client’s CRM systems.
Converter of XML 2 CSV
C#XML2CSV Converter with the ability to set different templates under different data structures.
70 USD Filtering of Instagram Accounts
Desktop AppsThe program is designed to filter the Instagram account list
The lists of results can be several.
For the transfer button to the target lists you can set hot buttons.
459 USD baggage
Desktop AppsMTR Accounting System for Construction Company
Realised adjusted filter on all the records in the table
Each table can be exported to Excel.
For each position is permitted the download and storage of an unlimited number of primary documents (the data format does not have meaning)
122 USD Keywords grouping
Desktop AppsGoogle Advertising Campaign
On the entrance is loaded a list of keywords, which then can be divided into different groups - to form a set of advertising announced by different groups of requests.
Work is done using SQLite SUBD
The program easily processes up to a million phrases.
… For the user's fast work, the mechanism of setting hot keyboard combinations is implemented.
The result is downloaded in a format that is easily downloaded to Google.
26 USD FTP charger using SOCKS5
Desktop AppsThe carrier works through the proxy using SOCKS5
At the indicated address FTP is the download of all files from the indicated directory.
84 USD Analysts of Damp
Databases & SQLThe program processes the MySQL database, uploaded in the form of a SQL request.
A set of data is processed for the purpose of forming statistical data.
Databases & SQLData Converter in Excel to DBF file format
12 USD Converter of SQL2CSV
Databases & SQLConverter BD Dump in SQL-Request Format to CSV Text File
24 USD Synchronization of graphic objects
Desktop AppsIt is used to synchronize the image products between the local directory and the FTP server.
36 USD Generator of documents
Desktop AppsPrimary Documentation for Products Supply.
As a input data, a loading from the trading system with a list of sold goods is used.
Forms are used in the form of DOC files.
61 USD Preparation of documents for a mini-hotel
Desktop AppsThe program forms documents for the settlement of the guests of the mini-hotel.
When entering the guest data, several different documents are formed with the filling of all the necessary information
71 USD Commercial Proposal
Desktop AppsCommercial Generation Programme
Generates documents in 2 formats: Word and PDF
It allows to work with several templates of the document - depending on different parameters, it creates a document by one of the templates.
41 USD Download to FTP
Desktop AppsDownload to a FTP server with several directories. In this case, the data is further copied into the indicated directories for the archive.
61 USD Autodocumentation
C#The program is designed for the automatic formation of a set of documents for the fixation of the transaction:
- Contract
The Accounts
… and etc.
As templates of documents, Word form documents are used, which allows the customer to change the form of the document without attracting the developer.
Reviews and compliments on completed projects 73 1
9 April 2024
48 USD
Write a technical specification for the Reestr program
Quick and professional! Thank you once again!
4 April 2024
20 USD
Project Design Consultation
Very experienced and helpful. Thank you
2 April 2024
479 USD
On the base of the danch from the SSV files make mini reports.
Thank you very much for completing the project promptly and very professionally. We will continue to cooperate.
19 March 2024
600 USD
Development of web applications
Everything is fine, very pleased with the work.
13 March 2024
50 USD
Optimization of code and requests in BD in the application on C#
Work done in time and quality.
6 March 2024
36 USD
Creation of payments. The extension
Everything is done as always, quality and even faster planned. very radar
1 March 2024
24 USD
Creating a file xls
Everything is done well and in time. I am very pleased to collaborate!
9 February 2024
12 USD
You need to edit the code in Python
The manager did everything well. Responsible approach to work. I recommend it!
19 December 2023
1197 USD
Carrying the car
Хочу висловити щиру подяку Денису Шаповаленку за видатну роботу над розробкою програми завантаження автомобілів для нашого підприємства. Завдання, з яким ми звернулися до Дениса, було вкрай складним і вимогливим, і він впорався з ним на найвищому рівні.
Одним з основних викликів був великий асортимент типорозмірів нашої продукції, а також нестандартні розміри як продукції, так і піддонів. Денис продемонстрував глибоке розуміння наших потреб і ефективно впровадив гнучку систему, здатну ефективно обробляти різноманітність розмірів і форм.
Особливу увагу приділили вимогам щодо завантаження автомобілів з урахуванням навантаження по осях і видів транспортних засобів. Денис не тільки розробив функціональність, що відповідає цим вимогам, а й надав нам інтуїтивно зрозумілий інтерфейс, що дає змогу нашим співробітникам ефективно використовувати програму без додаткового навчання.
Крім того, хочу відзначити високий професіоналізм і відповідальність Дениса. Він не тільки дотримувався термінів, а й був готовий до оперативного вирішення питань і складнощів, що виникали в процесі роботи.
Співпраця з Денисом Шаповаленком принесла нашій компанії значні переваги в ефективності логістичних процесів. Ми впевнені, що його талант і професіоналізм можуть бути корисними для будь-якого проєкту, що вимагає високого рівня компетенції в галузі програмування.
Завдяки Денису наше підприємство тепер може з легкістю керувати складною логістикою та оптимізувати завантаження автомобілів, що призвело до поліпшення нашої загальної продуктивності.
8 November 2023
24 USD
Processing PZ PA No.16 Cachoter Error + Smooth Smooth
All the tasks are resolved, the project is moving forward.
12 September 2023
24 USD
PZ PA No. 16 Ceshkoder
All questions were quickly addressed. The main is quality.
12 September 2023
60 USD
VBA Module to Convert Excel Data into XML Set Format
I recommend Dennis. The project was implemented timely. Recommendations are improved quickly.
8 September 2023
96 USD
The 15th window.
All work is done well, we continue the project.
7 September 2023
22 USD
Creating MS Word files based on Excel data
He quickly and clearly completed the project, clarified all the details. He was constantly in contact. I recommend )
5 September 2023
60 USD
Updated Configurator
Great work, thank you for support! You are a professional!
3 August 2023
120 USD
Working with the ITL NV200 banknote
The program is performed well and in a defined time.
28 July 2023
120 USD
Configuration of Configuration Program
Thank you for the wonderful work on the update of the program! You have done a great job and I’m happy with the result.
3 July 2023
24 USD
PZ PA No. 12 - Configurator PA
All the tasks were done, everything went well.
26 June 2023
60 USD
Processing PZ PA No11 installator + admin panel
Quick and efficient implementation of the PC.
5 June 2023
120 USD
10 User Interfaces
Everything went well, the task was done.
15 May 2023
144 USD
Processing PZ PA No. 9 (Fiscal Printer)
They have solved a difficult task and have achieved their goals.
21 March 2023
96 USD
The project is done, everything is fine.
16 March 2023
144 USD
I have done the unfulfilled tasks. 🙂
14 March 2023
12 USD
Work with text (English) - personal project for Dennis Shapovalenko
A professional approach. I recommend cooperation!
15 February 2023
48 USD
ACS NEO PAY Fiscal Register SMART FP-101
It wasn’t easy, but all the questions were resolved.
18 January 2023
48 USD
20 hours
clearly and in time. Very pleased with work.
16 January 2023
72 USD
Working PZ PA No. 9
Everything was great, they performed difficult tasks.
9 January 2023
36 USD
Create a simple PC to work with MS Excel
There was not so many people who wanted to complete my project.
Denis was one of the few and took to perform him for 1500 UAH, this is because the other executor wanted for this same work 5000 UAH.
I asked all the details to a little bit (I understand so to understand TZ as accurately as possible) and did it in a day or two.
I strongly recommend!
5 January 2023
96 USD
Integration of libraries into a project
The work was done in time, as well as the developer greatly to deal with issues that were not an obvious part of the task. A great programmer. I recommend
28 December 2022
156 USD
Write 2 class libraries on C# .net6 to communicate with clouds
The work is done clearly and in time. Specialist of high level, I recommend!
27 December 2022
96 USD
PZ PA No. 8 bank terminal and fiscal printer
As always in the best way.
16 December 2022
36 USD
Data processing from two files (or sqlite bases)
The freelancer performed his work very well and faster than the deadlines set!
14 December 2022
24 USD
Laboratory work on the "Data Base" course
Great work. The executive immediately asked clarificating questions. Good Communications . It was done before the declared deadline. I recommend !
7 December 2022
36 USD
Laboratory work C#
Without looking at the emergency light switch, the work was done much earlier than the deadline.
The whole code is written as clean and clean as possible.
I would be glad to recommend this specialist if you need help in writing items from C# or other indicated languages.
23 November 2022
43 USD
ACS NEO PAY and PA tariffs and payments
All points of task are accomplished.
17 November 2022
60 USD
Working PZ PA No. 5
They worked well, all the tasks were resolved.
16 November 2022
Cross-platform programming C# .NET
Everything is perfectly done, fast and quality.
14 November 2022
12 USD
Cross-platform programming C# .NET
The task was done quickly and efficiently.
4 November 2022
36 USD
ACS NEO PAY and Configurator
All tasks are performed according to TZ
28 October 2022
48 USD
No. 4 Programming of PA
I have done a lot of interesting new tasks.
23 October 2022
24 USD
Cross-platform programming on C#.Net Core
Everything was done in time, great performers, I advise everyone 10/10
18 October 2022
72 USD
No. 3 Programming of PA
Everything is done clearly and in time.
13 October 2022
24 USD
Programming of the PA to open changes
All tasks are done without notice.
11 October 2022
72 USD
Configuration of the Payment Automatic (PA)
The work is done untouchedly.
4 October 2022
24 USD
Processing of ACS NEO PAY FreeTime
The work is done professionally as always.
28 September 2022
48 USD
Processing the work algorithms of ACS NEO PAY when paying fees
Everything went well, all the questions were resolved.
22 September 2022
72 USD
Processing of the ACS NEO PAY Program
All tasks are implemented in accordance with the TZ.
20 September 2022
72 USD
ACS NEO PAY 3 points
Everything according to the technical task. of quality.
16 September 2022
24 USD
Installation package for ACS NEO PAY
The project is done professionally.
15 September 2022
36 USD
C# Requires to replace the program
They have resolved a task with some unknown.
10 September 2022
24 USD
Import XML-File with FTP2SQL
Thank you, as always, everything is great. I recommend
7 September 2022
48 USD
Prose in c# to import xml file to the SQL-Server database
Everything is fine, the task has been done quickly, the requirements are met, I recommend
20 August 2022
36 USD
Conversion of xml to xlsx
Work is done in time, thank you for cooperation.
5 August 2022
60 USD
Through requests from 2x CSV files to form the result. The Mini Program
The young man did everything well.
| Response feedback
27 July 2022
31 USD
Preparation of the program
Everything quickly and in case.
I thank you.
29 November 2021
72 USD
Preparing a portfolio profitability calculation algorithm (ROI/IRR)
It’s all fine before Dudley.
| Response feedback
2 September 2021
144 USD
Update 3
Приятно работать, на все вопросы отвечает вовремя, без задержек. Качество 10/10
2 September 2021
31 USD
Developer of BD for Android
Excellent performers, they did everything quality and quickly. I will advise everyone and I will continue to do myself. 12+
| Response feedback
10 June 2021
36 USD
Update 2
Как всегда все качественно и в срок!
24 May 2021
96 USD
Все сделано качественно и в указанные сроки, надеюсь на дальнейшее сотрудничество!
21 May 2021
48 USD
Preparation of the parser on C#
Everything is done, everything is great! I recommend !
7 May 2021
48 USD
Program on C# c database, exporting data to word by template
I recommend this freelancer to cooperate. Always contacted and corrected comments to work without any problems. Qualitatively, carefully and in time!
30 April 2021
20 USD
Screenshots - Cut the picture to a few in height (referably c#)
Thank you ! Everything was fast and clear, the directions were not needed.
| Response feedback
16 December 2019
Write 2 alternative SQL requests for 10 requests
I like to work with Denis. The work is done quality and in the shortest possible time.
| Response feedback
15 July 2019
24 USD
MSSQL - System of Audit of Change at BD Level
A great expert who understands the field he has taken. Great time for response and introduction in the framework of TZ.
20 June 2019
10 USD
Separate data from HTML, implement two methods of c#.
It all loved working well. I hope to make other providers for other sites.
| Response feedback
21 May 2019
The Laboratory Robot (WinForms)
The work was performed quality, all the indicated nuances were considered and corrected.
17 May 2019
12 USD
Курсовий проект
Все виконано вчасно, програма написана так, як потрібно. Зауважень не маю. Результатом задоволена
17 May 2019
12 USD
Implementation of the task in the work program on C# + mysql
Thank you Denis. The tasks have been completed quickly and all have been completed within the agreed time. You see that man knows his business. On constant communication, upgrades - problems are solved and fixed without problems. I hope for further cooperation. and 🙂
18 August 2017
239 USD
Web application for customer accounting
Thank you for the quality work done in time. Everything was clearly stated in advance, which allowed to avoid improvements. I will definitely contact more.
15 August 2017
12 USD
Excel-parser data input on pages from the urls massive
A good job. I recommend it. I will contact again.
5 November 2016
24 USD
Транслятор из одной базы данных MsSQL в другую MySQL
It is very difficult to contact a person when he comes out of contact once a week. I’m a bad customer and I didn’t give the full TZ... but another freelancer managed the same task in 4 days!! And without any type of firewalls let your administrator himself understand, through the timware I won’t connect and so on.
When the project is not completed, it is no longer possible to evaluate quality and professionalism.
19 September 2016
168 USD
Creation of a web accounting system for .NET+SQL employees
Denis is a very experienced programmer, responsible for the performance of the assigned task, constantly in communication. The project was implemented at the highest level, taking into account my wishes, all to one.
The only point to pay attention to both him and the future customer is the deadlines for execution. They need to be kept more strictly and monitor the schedule of the work.
My personal overall freelancer rating is 10/10. I recommend to everyone.
29 May 2016
10 USD
Формирование бланка заказа в Excel
Могло быть и лучше
| Response feedback
Recent proposals 10 | Budget | Added | Terms | Proposal | |
Senior C#/ASP.NET Engineer | $5k - $6k/mo
24 USD
60 USD
In search of a programmer for website support
14 USD
Support for a product parser in C#
96 USD
52 USD
12 USD
519 USD
Need to fix errors when switching languages
117 USD
Freelance-project |
Project Design Consultation
20 USD