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The P2P telegram exchange


  1. 1005    11  0
    14 days2427 USD

    I welcome.
    5 years of blockchain experience.
    Great experience in P2P exchangers.
    A BTC analogy of a banker.
    Write to LS.
    5 лет блокчейн опыта.
    Огромнейший опыт в п2п обменниках.
    Делал аналог бтц банкера.
    Пишите в лс.

  2. 3 more hidden bids

Current freelance projects in the category Bot Development

Bot for Telegram channel

A simple bot is needed that displays menu items.Functionality Display menu items Contact the manager Go to the Telegram channel To the websiteAbout us

Web ProgrammingBot Development ∙ 2 hours 31 minutes ago ∙ 25 proposals

Develop a Telegram bot that finds groups without captcha for sending announcements.

Технічне завдання (ТЗ) для розробки Telegram-бота, який знаходить групи без капчі для розсилки оголошень 1. Мета проекту Мета — створення Telegram-бота, який автоматично здійснює пошук публічних груп на основі ключових слів, перевіряє наявність капчі при вступі в групу, і…

Databases & SQLBot Development ∙ 3 hours 39 minutes ago ∙ 3 proposals

Telegram bot

49 USD

Good day, we need to create a Telegram bot. 1) The server is our own Bot 1- Admin panel 2- mass mailing to participants 3 Chat between participants within the bot without the ability to write personal messages and send links between participants 4 Referral program 5 the…

Bot Development ∙ 5 hours 13 minutes ago ∙ 12 proposals

Bubble.io Developer for consulting and development of MarTech SaaS

243 USD

A developer is needed who can engage in the project as a tech consultant and developer of a B2B SaaS solution on Bubble. I am interested in seeing case studies, rates, roles in projects, and the total time you have participated.

Desktop AppsBot Development ∙ 5 hours 27 minutes ago ∙ 1 proposal

Host a Telegram application on AWS servers

51 USD

There is a web application written in Node.js and React and an admin panel in the form of a Telegram bot. There is a domain and an AWS account. It needs to be connected to the domain purchased on GoDaddy and hosted on AWS servers. It needs to be done today. For some reason, we…

Web ProgrammingBot Development ∙ 7 hours 40 minutes ago ∙ 1 proposal

Project published
2 years ago