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Current freelance projects in the category Payment Systems Integration

Web development of an online tutoring platform

300 USD

Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I’m the founder of iPractis, an online tutoring platform, and we’re looking for skilled developers to help bring our project to life. While the landing page, registration process, and teacher application system are already in place,…

Payment Systems IntegrationWebsite Development ∙ 6 days 22 hours ago ∙ 11 proposals

Connecting the Liqpay/Wayforpay payment system to the website on Webflow

24 USD

On the webflow site, it is necessary to connect the payment system Liqpay/Wayforpay. The payment and order confirmation page is ready.

Payment Systems Integration ∙ 6 days 23 hours ago ∙ 7 proposals

Shooting game with a betting system

1104 USD

Hello everyone, I am looking for people specialized in creating mobile games. The essence of the game is simple: two opponents place a bet, fight in a cowboy duel, and the winner takes the loser's bet. Thank you in advance for your response The budget can be discussed

Payment Systems IntegrationApp Development for Android ∙ 7 days 1 hour ago ∙ 9 proposals

Creation of a Landing page on wayforpay

12 USD

I need to create a landing page for myself. I provide marketing services. I want to make a landing page for my services

Payment Systems IntegrationOnline Stores & E-commerce ∙ 8 days 2 hours ago ∙ 7 proposals


A payment button needs to be added to the site, linking documents from a file. The site is based on WordPress. This needs to be done as soon as possible, the deadline is 2 days. We will discuss payment.

Payment Systems Integration ∙ 9 days 6 hours ago ∙ 2 proposals

Ihor Toryanik
Ukraine Globino  2  1
Project published
4 years ago