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50 comments on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram...

Translated12 USD

Applications 1

App view is available only registered users.
  1. 206  
    2 days12 USD

    Ready to start working!!!
    Can be on a permanent basis!!!
    Готовий приступити до роботи!!!
    Можна і на постійній основі!!!

  2. 216  
    1 day12 USD

    Max, greetings. The task is clear, I am ready to complete it. I am waiting in private for a discussion of the terms and can start working right away.
    Макс, приветствую. Задание понятно, готова выполнить его. Жду в личке для обсуждения условий и сразу же могу приступить к работе

  3. 588    9  0
    2 days12 USD

    I will write lively and interesting comments, I have active accounts on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
    I have experience in writing comments on various topics.
    Portfolio Freelancehunt
    I will be happy to collaborate)
    Напишу живі та цікаві коментарі, маю активні акаунти у тік ток, інстаграм, фейсбук та Ютуб.
    Маю досвід у написанні коментарів на різні теми.
    Портфоліо Freelancehunt
    Буду рада співпраці)

  4. 2 more hidden bids

Current freelance projects in the category Customer Support

Telefonische Kontaktaufnahme mit potenziellen Kunden

103 USD

Möchten Sie Ihre Kundenbasis schnell erweitern und den Umsatz steigern? Telefonakquise ist ein effektives Werkzeug, um neue Chancen zu nutzen und Ihre Marktposition zu stärken. Wir bieten Ihnen einen professionellen Ansatz für Kalt- und Warmakquise. Erfahrene Spezialisten…

Information GatheringCustomer Support ∙ 3 hours 17 minutes ago

Filling the website www.allegro.pl with products

Good afternoon We are interested in filling the website www.allegro.pl with products. Example of filling by "colleagues": https://allegro.pl/oferta/pokrowiec-na-stolik-60x60x45-9100-aerocover-11906931711 Product: - covers for outdoor furniture Aerocovers (pages 13-14) in the…

Online Stores & E-commerceCustomer Support ∙ 1 day 11 hours ago ∙ 4 proposals

Sale of freight transportation services (cold calls)

19 USD

Need a person to call freight carriers in Poland. Sales skills and knowledge of the Polish language are required. We provide the client base. It is necessary to create a unique selling proposition in Polish and call 50-70 clients. I am waiting for price proposals.

Lead Generation & SalesCustomer Support ∙ 1 day 11 hours ago ∙ 1 proposal

Supplier Relationship Manager

This is a great job opportunity for a student who wants to gain experience and combine work with studies. What needs to be done: Communicate with suppliers in China about purchasing and delivering goods to the warehouse in the USA. Search for products on Alibaba and compare…

Information GatheringCustomer Support ∙ 9 hours 58 minutes ago ∙ 5 proposals

Passenger transportation

Integration of online ticket purchasing functionality on the carrier company's website, as well as connecting a payment system for bank payments. Ensuring automatic delivery of electronic tickets to customers after successful payment. Implementation of Telegram bot integration…

Payment Systems IntegrationCustomer Support ∙ 4 days 4 hours ago ∙ 5 proposals

Project published
1 month 15 days ago
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