Consultation of the Accountant. The royalty (payoneer) The Goods Industry
Работаю в стоковой индустрии и ищу бухгалтера, который сможет дать развернутую консультацию по поводу налогообложение доходов в виде роялти. Вывод денег производиться через платежную систему payoneer.
Client's feedback on cooperation with Vladislav Palenchuk
Consultation of the Accountant. The royalty (payoneer) The Goods IndustryVladislav demonstrated himself as a high-level specialist. He received a consultation and was satisfied with the result. If there are any questions in the future, I will ask more. I recommend cooperation!
Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Oleksandr Kovalchuk
Consultation of the Accountant. The royalty (payoneer) The Goods IndustrySuper customer, all in time and quality, I recommend you to collaborate!
Good day ! With royalty I know, one of my companies is the programmaker. Write pj to the pain in detail. What kind of royalty and to whom is it sold by FOP, LLC?
Добрый день! С роялти знакома, одно из моих предприятий является разработчиком программы. Напишите пж в личку болие подробно. Какой вид роялти и на кто его продает ФОП, ООО?
751 16 1 Hello to you! I am an accountant and IT company with 12 years of experience. We will discuss everything in detail during the online consultation.
Привіт! Я бухгалтер і ІТ компанії, досвід 12 років. Розповім все детально при онлайн консультації.
Current freelance projects in the category Accounting Services
I am looking for a consultant for 1C 8 UTP.
19 USD
Hello! I need a one-time consultation on 1C. Specifically, I am interested in the sequence of document processing when buying and selling tires. Accounting Services ∙ 1 day 4 hours ago ∙ 7 proposals |
Tax report for individual entrepreneur and charitable organizationtax report for individual entrepreneurs and for charitable organizations. charitable organization zero turnover. and for the photo a couple of payments were made Accounting Services ∙ 1 day 23 hours ago ∙ 6 proposals |
Accounting services
17 USD
The individual entrepreneur has not paid taxes for several years and has not submitted reports Thus, the wife conducted activities It is necessary to check which taxes need to be paid. If necessary, submit empty reports. Accounting Services ∙ 2 days 6 hours ago ∙ 13 proposals |
Need a specialist in 1C: Enterprise integration
144 USD
We are looking for a 1C integrator who can help set up management accounting in 1C: Enterprise. It is necessary to transfer financial reporting, management reports, and other data.What needs to be done: Transfer all management reports to 1C. Configure the system to fit our… Databases & SQL, Accounting Services ∙ 2 days 17 hours ago ∙ 4 proposals |
Accountant or lawyer with a good knowledge of European legislation
12 USD
It is necessary to organize the legalization of ticket resale activities in a country with attractive conditions for such activities. The secondary ticket resale website we are working with pays in euros and sends an invoice to the email before payment. There are no contracts… Accounting Services, Legal Services ∙ 2 days 19 hours ago ∙ 1 proposal |