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Setting up the SMTP email client to receive mail


  1. 330  
    1 day12 USD

    Good day,

    I am confident that we can help you.
    You can check out our portfolio on our website:


    We look forward to further cooperation.
    Best regards,
    The SpaceLab Team

    Я впевнений, що ми можемо допомогти вам.
    Ви можете ознайомитись з нашим портфоліо на нашому сайті:


    Сподіваємось на подальшу співпрацю
    З повагою,
    Команда СпейсЛаб

  2. 4817    188  4   6
    1 day12 USD

    I can set it up now.
    Write in private messages. We will discuss the details.
    Можу налаштувати зараз.
    Пишіть в особисті повідомлення. Обговоримо деталі

  3. 231  
    1 day12 USD

    Hello, I'm ready to do it, write to me, this is a trivial task )))
    Здравствуйте, готов сделать, пишите, это тривиальная задача )))

  4. 1020    10  1
    1 day12 USD

    Hello! Feel free to contact me! I will set it up! I will do it right now.........
    Здравствуйте! обращайтесь! настрою! сделаю прямо сейчас.........

  5. 3 more hidden bids

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Support for Telegram bot/game on Laravel

89 USD

Need a person to support a gaming Telegram bot. Current edits need to be made and functionality maintained. This is not a one-time project. The project is built on PHP Laravel. 5-6 hours of your working time per month is required. Payment per month: $90 In your responses, please…

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Connect Monobank payment acceptance for the online store. Laravel/Backpack

Hello everyone. The online store project is made on Laravel using https://backpackforlaravel.com/ It is necessary to connect acquiring from Monobank for payments on the site. https://api.monobank.ua/docs/acquiring.html…

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P S.
Ukraine Kyiv  21  0
Project published
1 month 3 days ago
  • WordPress
  • SMTP
  • Email Client