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Updating 1C platform to 8.3.16, transferring 1C server from 32 to 64 bit.

Translated38 USD

Client's feedback on cooperation with Serhii Sushynskyi


The work was done quickly and with high quality. Communication is friendly 🙂. Thank you!

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Dmitry Musiyenko

Task formulation

Wonderful client, I recommend working with them to everyone.

  1. 489    9  0
    7 days48 USD

    Something doesn't add up here....
    Do your prices load every minute and have 10 million lines?

    If it's 64-bit 1C and server, then there may be issues with some applications that run on 32-bit 1C and will refuse to work on 64-bit.

    It's better to write how many users and what hardware you have.

    Price and time from the ones specified
    что-то здесь не вяжется....
    у вас прайсы каждую минуту загружаются и имеют от 10млн.строк ?

    если 64бит 1с и сервер, то возможны проблемы с некоторыми приложениями,
    которые работают в 32бит1С и откажутся в 64бит

    лучше напишите, сколько пользователей и какое железо у вас

    цена и время от указанных

  2. 1078    12  0
    2 days19 USD

    Ready to perform. Will install 8.3.22 ________________________________________________________
    Готов Выполнить. Установлю 8.3.22 ________________________________________________________

  3. 2 more hidden bids

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Dmitry Musiyenko
Ukraine Odessa  3  0
Project published
9 months 6 days ago
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