Translation of one-sided website into English
Добрый день, Нужно перевети небольшой сайт на ангийский язык. Слов и текста достаточно мало поэтому маленький бюджет и сроки. Текст финансово юридического формата.
Client's feedback on cooperation with Yuliia T.
Translation of one-sided website into EnglishThe translation is done quickly.
Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Robert Mamut
Translation of one-sided website into EnglishThank you for your trust and the opportunity to work with you again!💛💙
1648 70 0 Welcome to!
We are ready to help you with the translation, reading and editing of the text of your project. I work in a team with the speakers. I only take the projects I am confident of. Quality is the most important thing for me and my team. Before submission, the project takes place 2 stages of reading. If you are interested, write in a personal message.
Готова допомогти Вам з перекладом, вичиткою та редактурою тексту Вашого проєкту. Працюю в команді з носіями мов. Беру в роботу тільки ті проєкти, в яких впевнена. Якість для мене та моєї команди має найбільше значення. Перед здачею проєкт проходить 2 стадії вичитки. Якщо Ви зацікавлені - пишіть в особисті повідомлення.
798 20 0 Hello, the level of English - C1 is ready to translate quality and quickly, as this topic has been translated and well familiar with it.
Здравствуйте, уровень английского - С1, готов перевести качественно и быстро, так как на эту тематику переводил и хорошо с ней ознакомлен.
Current freelance projects in the category Text Translation
Translation of the book text from English to Ukrainian (urgent)
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Check the Arabic version of the website for grammatical errors.Need to check the Arabic version of the website for grammatical errors. A native Arabic speaker. This is a small business card website. A total of about 600-650 words. The translation was initially done using ChatGPT. Then the site was checked by an employee who knows Arabic but… Text Translation ∙ 18 hours 21 minutes ago ∙ 9 proposals |
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Need a translator with knowledge of Chinese and preferably with experience in purchasing from 1688. 25 units of goods, with batteries and without. Quantity from 20 to 100 pieces per item. Need to find out from suppliers the dimensions, weights, and number of pieces per box, for… Text Translation ∙ 1 day 5 hours ago ∙ 2 proposals |
Translation from Arabic to Ukrainian or Russian languages.It is necessary to translate a quarter of a page from Arabic to Ukrainian or Russian. The text is in the format of a scanned document, it is not possible to extract the text in Word. Text Translation ∙ 3 days 5 hours ago ∙ 22 proposals |
Sequential translation of a call from DutchHello! It is urgent to make a call via Skype to the clinic in the Netherlands and translate consecutively. The situation is critical, it is necessary to understand very clearly what is being said and translate. The duration of the call is up to 15 minutes. Text Translation ∙ 8 days 12 hours ago |