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VPS Assistance

Translated56 USD

  1. 3695    31  0
    1 day67 USD

    Hello. What needs to be set up? Describe the technical assignment and I will help. We can call tomorrow at a specific time to complete the task. The price is indicated below.
    Здравствуйте. Что нужно настроить? Опишите тех задание помогу. Можем созвонится завтра в определенное время сделать задачу. Цена указана ниже

  2. 354    4  0
    15 days78 USD

    Well, I think SSH access will be needed.
    Ну думаю нужен будет ssh доступ

  3. 2 more hidden bids
  • Andrii D.
    7 August, 19:07 |

    Вітаю, яка у вас бд та стек?

  • Mykhailo Platonov
    7 August, 19:16 |

    Добрый день, Ubuntu, Nginx, nodejs , бд пока стоит sqlite, 

  • Andrii D.
    7 August, 19:20 |
    Скиньте саме помилку в особисті, я подивлюсь
  • Mykhailo Platonov
    7 August, 19:33 |

    beetop.cc в консоли ошибки сыпет. я ставил ssl сертификат. что-то где-то намудрил и бд отвалилась. Но я так подозреваю что дело не только в сертификате. опыта нет image

Current freelance projects in the category Databases & SQL

Website repair for the Registration System (ASP.NET programming environment.)

Repair of the company registration system website. The system was developed in 2016-2018 and gradually with each update some function stopped working. Interested in the possibility of repair or will it be necessary to create a new product

Databases & SQLWeb Programming ∙ 57 minutes ago ∙ 3 proposals

Car loading program

It is necessary to refine the program designed for loading cars at our enterprise to optimize the distribution of orders. In the current version of the program, there are errors when processing orders with a large range of products. These errors need to be fixed and adjustments…

C#Databases & SQL ∙ 5 hours 52 minutes ago ∙ 6 proposals

Need a specialist in Apps Script.

12 USD

Good day, I am looking for a responsible and experienced specialist in Apps Script for long-term collaboration. Currently, there is a need to enhance the existing functionality with the following additions: - generating an application letter in Excel or Google Sheets - sending…

Databases & SQL ∙ 9 hours 19 minutes ago ∙ 4 proposals

Three scripts (php) for processing data in two SQL tables

Input data: 1) There are two SQL tables (each with 12 fields). 2) It is necessary to create three independent scripts for the unification/cleaning of the data in these tables. The full technical specification is described in this document: Technical…

PHPDatabases & SQL ∙ 22 hours 13 minutes ago ∙ 14 proposals

I will buy an email database Ukraine individual person

12 USD

Need a database for email distribution of individuals. A fresh database for the year 2023-2024 is required. Also, databases of enterprises

Databases & SQL ∙ 1 day 3 hours ago ∙ 5 proposals

Mykhailo Platonov
Spain Palma de Mallorca  1  0
Project published
1 month 10 days ago