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Create a 3D visualization and drawing of a niche in the hallway.

Translated72 USD

Applications 2

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Client's feedback on cooperation with Nikolay Kayda


Work satisfaction. It is worth contacting.

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Boris Kyivsky

Task formulation

I highly recommend the client, everything is clear and to the point, always in touch. I fully recommend for collaboration.

  1. 549    17  0
    2 days72 USD

    Good time of day.
    The task is clear. But there are a few questions.
    I can start right after the discussion.
    Доброї пори.
    Задача зрозуміла. Але є декілька запитань.
    Можу приступити зразу після обговорення.

  2. 315  
    3 days72 USD

    Good day. I am ready to create drawings and visualizations of your niche.
    Добрий день. Готовий виконати креслення та візуалізації вашої ніші

  3. 3 more hidden bids

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Boris Kyivsky
Ukraine Kyiv  5  0
Project published
4 months 4 days ago