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Remove Viruses from the WordPress Site

Translated24 USD

Client's feedback on cooperation with Oleg Kuznetsov


We quickly cleaned the site from viruses. I recommend !

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Pavel N.

Task formulation

A good experience.
It was interesting to help.
The customer is as correct as possible.
I recommend

Current freelance projects in the category Content Management Systems

Copy the design of the Apple company's website

500 USD

Technical task for the development of a website similar to AppleGoal: To create a modern, stylish, and functional website visually similar to the Apple website, with easy content management and updates.Design:Complete redesign and replication of the visual style of the Apple…

Content Management SystemsHTML & CSS ∙ 11 hours 9 minutes ago ∙ 19 proposals

Connecting email newsletter for WooCommerce

It is necessary to connect an email marketing service that is fully compatible with WooCommerce and set up the ability to send emails in multiple languages. WooCommerce is translated using WPML. I am looking for a quality service with good templates, but at a reasonable budget.…

Content Management SystemsWeb Programming ∙ 23 hours 10 minutes ago ∙ 6 proposals

Refinement of the standard synchronization module between CS-Cart and Key CRM

72 USD

Goal: Eliminate deficiencies in the current integration and ensure the correct transfer of all necessary data. Identified Issues and Necessary Corrections1. Transfer of the name of the locality and the number of the branch/post office/indexProblem: The standard module does not…

Content Management SystemsPHP ∙ 1 day 2 hours ago ∙ 4 proposals

Website development for hotels using Avada Builder

1. Project Goals We are looking for a specialist who can help our small hotel management company set up websites on WordPress, using the Avada theme. The theme is important because we later maintain the websites and train hotel staff to work with it. Consistency is crucial. We…

Content Management SystemsWebsite Development ∙ 1 day 4 hours ago ∙ 21 proposals

Optimization of the WordPress site to the green zone of Google PageSpeed

It is necessary to increase the website loading speed on the WordPress CMS to green indicators (90+) in Google PageSpeed for mobile and desktop devices, as well as for pages with posts. Core Web Vitals Assessment: must be passed. Also, a benchmark is to achieve high scores in…

Content Management SystemsWeb Programming ∙ 3 days 5 hours ago ∙ 17 proposals

Pavel N. Red Carlos
Ukraine Kyiv  13  0
Project published
11 months 6 days ago