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Post your project for free and start getting offers from freelance performers within minutes after posting!

Replacement of text for photo

Translated19 USD

Applications 1

App view is available only registered users.

Client's feedback on cooperation with Sergey G.


Everything is great, above all praise.

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Roman Ochitkov

Task formulation

Thank you ! Everything is clear, everyone is happy!

  1. 854
     28  1

    1 day19 USD

    Welcome to!Interested in your project.Ready to complete the task, after discussing all the details.Let me write, I’m glad to work with you.🤘
    Вітаю! Зацікавив ваш проєкт.
    Готовий виконати завдання, після обговорення всіх деталей.
    Пишіть, буду радий з вами співпрацювати .....🤘

  2. 1374
     35  0

    1 day19 USD

    Good Morning)

    Ready to fulfill your task!

    I will do it in good time and at a good price.

    Free to full approval!

    Examples of some works in the profile:


    Write to the directory to discuss the details of the work.
    Доброго вечора)

    Готовий виконати ваше завдання!

    Зроблю вчасно,якісно і по хорошій ціні)

    Правки безкоштовно до повного затвердження!

    Приклади деяких робіт в профілі:


    Пишіть в дірект обговорим деталі роботи.

  3. 1910
     36  1

    1 day19 USD

    I’m doing it right now, write it.
    Speed and quality guarantees.
    Good evening
    Виконаю зараз,пишіть)
    Швидкість та якість гарантую.
    Гарного вечора

  4. 3510
     94  0

    1 day19 USD

    Good afternoon, I was interested in your project.
    I will do it quickly and well.
    Portfolio: Freelancehunt
    Добрий день, зацікавив ваш проєкт.
    Зроблю швидко і якісно
    Портфоліо: Freelancehunt

  5. 732    6  0
    1 day19 USD

    Good day, I'm glad to work with you.
    Please write me and we will discuss all the details.
    Here is my portfolio.
    Доброго дня, буду радий попрацювати з вами
    Напишіть будь ласка мені і обговорим всі деталі
    Ось моє портфоліо

  6. 3792    230  2   7
    3 days19 USD

    Welcome to!
    I have great development experience and good feedback from customers.
    My portfolio:
    polygraphy (label, catalogues) Behance
    logos Behance
    I hope the possibilities for agreement.
    Маю великий досвід в розробці та гарні відгуки від клієнтів.
    Моє портфоліо:
    поліграфія (етикетки, каталоги) Behance
    логотипи Behance
    Надаю варіанти до узгодження.

  7. 385    3  0   1
    1 day20 USD

    I am interested in your project.I count all your comments and wishes.I look forward to cooperation.
    Вітаю👋🏻.Зацікавив ваш проєкт.Врахую всі зауваження і побажання.Чекаю на співпрацю.

  8. 3078    42  0
    1 day19 USD

    Good night, I am a professional graphic designer. I will perform the task quickly and efficiently, please. I work with Figma and Adobe Photoshop.
    Добрый вечер, я профессиональный графический дизайнер. Быстро и качественно выполню поставленую задачу, обращайтесь ! Работаю в Figma и Adobe Photoshop

  9. 406    6  2
    1 day21 USD

    Good evening .
    Ready to do in a few minutes.

    Write in the ls and download me the remaining 8 pictures
    Добрый вечер.
    Готов сделать за пару минут.

    Напишите в лс и скиньте мне остальные 8 картинок

  10. 8 more hidden bids

Current freelance projects in the category Banners

Banner creation

14 USD

It is necessary to create a size of 720x90 with animation and the addition of text. The work is not complicated. I will provide all the details in correspondence.

Banners ∙ 6 hours 51 minutes ago ∙ 25 proposals

Search for a designer to decorate the store window

Our company is looking for a designer to create a design for a full glass sticker, which will be used for decorating the storefront of a store specializing in the sale of seeds and agricultural equipment. We are ready to provide all necessary materials and also explain our…

BannersOutdoor Advertising ∙ 11 hours 7 minutes ago ∙ 26 proposals

Instagram story

Good dayThere is a need for 15 stories per week.It is necessary to develop 3 templates, then a photo and price will be inserted into the template: 5 pcs – Promotion: photo, price (you find the photo)5 pcs – New arrivals: photo, (you find the photo)5 pcs – Assortment: photo or…

BannersSocial Media Page Design ∙ 22 hours 5 minutes ago ∙ 46 proposals

Create a layout - 10 pieces

23 USD

It is necessary to create 10 layouts as in the example. Digital portraits should be placed on a three-dimensional canvas in the hands of a person. So that the digital portrait looks like a real painting. The quality of the photograph should be good. Any images from the internet…

BannersOutdoor Advertising ∙ 1 day ago ∙ 29 proposals

Creating attractive screenshots for Google Play

It is necessary to create 5-6 new screenshots for the app page on Google Play, as well as one promotional image. They should be attractive, modern, and well-present the app's functionality.Main requirements:Simple and clear design, without overloading details.Short, clear texts…

BannersInterface Design (UI/UX) ∙ 1 day ago ∙ 17 proposals

Roman Ochitkov
Ukraine Dnepr  4  0
Project published
1 year ago