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Translated5 USD

Client's feedback on cooperation with Vladislav Palenchuk


Effective and quality, everyone is pleased.I recommend it!!The !

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Darya Makarchenko

Task formulation

Everything is great! I recommend the buyer. Everything at the time and without any questions 😉

  1. 458
     5  0

    1 day5 USD

    Good day!I do!Experience of FOP conducting from 15 rocks.
    Доброго дня!Виконаю!Опит ведення ФОП от 15 рокыв.Звертайтесь

  2. 324    35  0   2
    1 day5 USD

    Good day ! Head accountant with more than 15 years of work experience, all taxation systems, FOP/TOW. I will submit all the necessary reports, questions on reporting periods I support)))
    Добрый день! Главный бухгалтер с опытом работы более 15 лет, все системы налогообложения, ФОП/ТОВ. Подам всю необходимую отчётность, вопросы по отчётным периодам поддерживаю)))

  3. 751    16  1
    Winning proposal1 day5 USD

    Hello to you! I work as a accountant in an IT company, experience of 12 years (Estonia + Ukraine) . I will do it without problems. Similar clarifications on reports.
    Привіт! Працюю бухгалтером в ІТ компанії, досвід 12 років (Естонія+Україна) . Зроблю без проблем. Аналогічне уточнення щодо звітів.

  4. 367    17  0
    1 day5 USD

    Good day ! I don’t know why every month. If you are on the third flu and have passed by 2% then only from April you should submit monthly! I have to talk, because it’s not clear.
    Доброго дня! не зовсім зрозімуло чому за кожен місяць! Якщо Ви на третій гріпі і перейшли на 2 % то лише з квітня мали подавати помісячно! Потрібно обговорити, тому що трішки не зрозуміло!

  5. 1 bid hidden

Current freelance projects in the category Accounting Services

I am looking for a consultant for 1C 8 UTP.

19 USD

Hello! I need a one-time consultation on 1C. Specifically, I am interested in the sequence of document processing when buying and selling tires.

Accounting Services ∙ 1 day 4 hours ago ∙ 7 proposals

Tax report for individual entrepreneur and charitable organization

tax report for individual entrepreneurs and for charitable organizations. charitable organization zero turnover. and for the photo a couple of payments were made

Accounting Services ∙ 1 day 23 hours ago ∙ 6 proposals

Accounting services

17 USD

The individual entrepreneur has not paid taxes for several years and has not submitted reports Thus, the wife conducted activities It is necessary to check which taxes need to be paid. If necessary, submit empty reports.

Accounting Services ∙ 2 days 6 hours ago ∙ 13 proposals

Need a specialist in 1C: Enterprise integration

144 USD

We are looking for a 1C integrator who can help set up management accounting in 1C: Enterprise. It is necessary to transfer financial reporting, management reports, and other data.What needs to be done: Transfer all management reports to 1C. Configure the system to fit our…

Databases & SQLAccounting Services ∙ 2 days 17 hours ago ∙ 4 proposals

Accountant or lawyer with a good knowledge of European legislation

12 USD

It is necessary to organize the legalization of ticket resale activities in a country with attractive conditions for such activities. The secondary ticket resale website we are working with pays in euros and sends an invoice to the email before payment. There are no contracts…

Accounting ServicesLegal Services ∙ 2 days 19 hours ago ∙ 1 proposal

Darya Makarchenko
Germany Abenberg  1  0
Project published
2 years ago