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KeepinCRM was implemented in the commodity business, 10 managers.The project is implemented in the next stages.The stage 1.Study of the client processes.- Analysis and description of the current business processes of the company "How is it now".Analyze and make a list of actions of each user depending on the role and/or section.- Determining the number of stages in the defense of sales required to realize the goods/services.Composing a business process scheme.The stage 2.Implementation and Integration:
Sales for entrance and weekend sales.- Contact cards, agreements under the client processes,
- The rights of access to review, change, removal, export, etc.- Integrated by phone Binotel.The online store is connected to the good.The online store is promoted.- Integrated New Mail and TNT Generation and Delivery Tracking.Integrated by Ukrpost.Integrated website of the company.- Connected Wi-Fi chat for communication.Automatic sending of SMS.The “Store” module.Sustainable storage and recording.- Installed templates of documents for the automatic generation (accounts, bills, acts).The “Financial” module.Validation of fields.- Installered triggers for the auto-work setup for turning.- Imported base of existing customers.Customer segmentation for re-sales.Processing of the system:
- Developed integration with TurboSMS for the automatic sending of WiberSMS client.- Developed integration with Liqpay (generation of a link to the payment during the transition into the stage).- The validation "Forbidden managers to translate the agreement to the next stage if there was no call."- Developing so that in the next stage certain managers can be translated after the payment is completed.Stage 3.Start in operation:
Three meetings were held for the training of work in the system.Video instructions for managers.The support:
The client is accompanied on a timely basis:
and consultations.to work.
Work details
Added 17 August 2022
Oleksandr Korskanov
Ukraine Kyiv  3  0

A little busy A little busy
3 Safe completed
On service 5 years