Andrey Mihaltsov
Accomplished projects' reviews 43 2
3 October 2024
22 USD
Development of a sticker for the physical product "Firewood Rack"
I recommend for collaboration! Clear terms of reference, always in touch.
1 October 2024
108 USD
Promotion of the website to the first page of search, and Google advertising
Throughout the entire project, our tasks were clearly defined, and all questions were resolved promptly. The client was always open to discussion and provided all the necessary information for the successful completion of tasks. I am glad that I could help in promoting the project and hope for further cooperation in the future.
2 August 2024
17 USD
Creation of banners for Etsy and the website
Thank you, another project following the established collaboration scheme. I will be happy to help again.
26 July 2024
12 USD
Creation of a layout for laser cutting of metal
Another project meets all the criteria for successful collaboration. Feel free to reach out)
12 July 2024
17 USD
Creating illustrations for a log holder and wall grill
Thank you for trusting another project. Together we work on edits, approving each stage step by step. Everything is very well done, we will continue to move forward.
5 July 2024
14 USD
Development of a design specification for a grill grate as an example
It is very pleasing when the client clearly sees the end result. This was exactly the case in working on Andrey's project. Good initial data, excellent communication during the execution, and the end result pleased everyone.
3 July 2024
12 USD
Development of design in the style of McDonald's
all is well, another project in the piggy bank - pleasant to work
2 July 2024
12 USD
Change the size of ready images for Google ads advertising
Interesting project, everything is great in terms of cooperation, tasks were completed quickly
22 May 2024
48 USD
Packaging design
I can't understand what happened. Before that, we successfully completed two projects with this client. However, on this project, baseless claims, accusations, and unwillingness to listen, hear, and engage in dialogue suddenly emerged. Although my working style remained exactly the same, and the project was progressing as planned, as agreed upon and as planned. Moreover, I was even blamed for having two other ongoing projects that had started long before our collaboration began, for which I have been waiting for feedback from clients for many weeks without any activity happening during this time; they are just open in a pending status. He was aware of them from the beginning, and everything was fine with him. And then it turned out that I was "distracted by other projects." In short, at one point, it felt like a different person. It was very unexpected and very unpleasant. Looking back at previous projects, working with this client seemed quite feasible. At least that's how it seemed to me back then. However, based on the outcome of this project, I can't say the same. There seems to be some mood instability and unpredictability. Therefore, I recommend taking this factor into account in your work and factoring in risks, as it's uncertain which mood phase of the client you will encounter.
18 May 2024
29 USD
Develop an advertising brochure
Thank you for another project, Andrey. Everything is great! I look forward to continuing our cooperation.
15 May 2024
36 USD
Develop an advertising brochure
Thank you for the project. Everything is great!
8 May 2024
120 USD
Launching page on Instagram+Facebook
Thank you for the project!
I recommend for cooperation.
26 April 2024
24 USD
Development of website banner design
Adequate and honest client, everything is good!
29 November 2023
48 USD
Development of KD for Floor Table-Griel
The customer has always been in contact. He knows what he wants to have on the outlet.
26 November 2023
84 USD
Development of the company logo
Comprehensive and pleasant communication, I recommend cooperation!
5 November 2023
24 USD
Drawings for the shoulder
My customer and I are very pleased with the results of the completed project. Thank you to everyone?
13 May 2021
Implementation of template
The work was on the hour!
Andrei is recommended as a customer.
28 April 2021
22 USD
Design of the Advertising Deposit
Andrei is always in contact, clear setting of tasks, no problems with the payment. I will be happy to continue cooperation.
30 November 2020
53 USD
Making a website multi-language
Thank you very much for cooperation. I was working for the first time, hopefully not for the last.
4 November 2020
48 USD
Translation of the website into English and Ukrainian languages
Сработались. До нового сотрудничества!
| Response feedback
12 March 2020
Advertising booklet A4
A very responsible and decent customer, only positive impressions remained from the cooperation. The feedback. Always in contact.
18 December 2019
60 USD
Translation of technical documentation into English-Russian
Andrei, thank you for the interesting order!
colleagues-concurrent freelancers, I recommend making your bets on Andrea's projects.
He knows exactly what he wants, and he’s worthy of paying the job.
Andrei good luck!
12 December 2019
120 USD
Projects of ventilation (system of extraction in production)
Clear task, quick answers to clarificing questions. I advise the customer to cooperate!
22 November 2019
48 USD
Development of drawings on equipment
Everything is great... as always!
3 September 2019
14 USD
Translate the technical catalogue into Russian and change the style
The work was done without noise and dust.
Andrei Mikhailtsova I recommend as a customer!
6 August 2019
60 USD
Developing drawings by OSTU
During the whole period of cooperation there was no misunderstanding, all TZs were provided in a well-known and full volume. I am pleased with the work and its result and invite other professionals to cooperate with the customer.
3 August 2019
22 USD
Разработать модуль для сайта
Проект сорван по моей вине. Претензий к заказчику не имею.
Терпеливый, контактный человек. Рекомендую к работе.
31 May 2019
24 USD
Branding of car
A great customer. I recommend to everyone!
I hope for further cooperation!
20 May 2019
96 USD
Бизнес-план салона красоты
It is the case when beauty and design are more important than content.
Ideas and adequate numbers can be taken into work, I don't regret. Sad time
In the beginning, they discussed the terms and immediately decided that it would not be in two days.
Similarly, I was immediately told that if everything is in volume, and not the essence, it is not for me.
For the future, I will only discuss it in writing.
Prove now that there is no desire and time.
What was needed was rather a graduate work, not the essence of a business plan.
| Response feedback
11 May 2019
22 USD
Installation of promo-roll, video review
Thank you for cooperation. I will be happy to work with you again.
23 April 2019
Planning a small room
Precisely assigned task, the speed of answers to questions. I am pleased to participate in the projects of Andrea, I recommend cooperation.
6 December 2018
14 USD
Create a company presentation in pdf format
Very pleasant and kind customer!
Clean TZ, timely payment. Thank you for cooperation.
I recommend !
9 November 2018
24 USD
Translation of technical documentation into English-Russian
The collaboration was successful, TZ clear, feedback is fast, payment through the seafood - I recommend this customer to all!
17 October 2018
Placement of the logo on the background of photos
A remarkable customer, always in contact, all without any extra questions.
I will be happy to work together in the future.)
11 September 2018
20 USD
Drawing the garage
Everything is great. pleasant to work. pleasure to cooperate further.
14 August 2018
12 USD
Manufacture of Special Type Coal Coal Coal
It is pleasant to work with a customer who knows what he wants to get.
A clear and detailed TZ enabled the task to be performed quickly, without any improvements.
I was very pleased with the collaboration with Andrew.
I recommend to everyone!
25 July 2018
Advertising banner in the letter signature
Вразумительно поставлена задача. Оплата без задержки и минимум коррективов. В общем идеальный заказчик!) Рекомендую!
9 July 2018
Fire Evacuation Plan
Andrei is an adequate customer - it is easy to go on compromises and explains all the necessary nuances.
21 June 2018
19 USD
Development of equipment for graveline swing
Everything went well. The main thing is that the customer clearly understands what he needs. The job is more pleasant and the result is better.
18 June 2018
10 USD
Screenshots of Stellage
A very responsible customer. I recommend
16 May 2018
Close the room plan
A great customer, clear tz, always in contact.
I recommend everyone to cooperate.
21 April 2018
12 USD
Contract for the purchase of equipment from Chinese supplier
Gramatic TZ, operational feedback, interesting project.
29 March 2018
13 USD
Transfer corporate mailboxes from yandexa to a paid server.
Отличный заказчик. Понимает, что хочет, оплачивает труд - соответственно.
Спасибо за сотрудничество.
23 March 2018
15 USD
Create a clip (montage of video and photo series)
I really liked working on this project! If there are more orders, I am always happy to help.
21 November 2016
24 USD
Supplementing of eyebrows universal
Great customer, a pleasure to work!
Clear TZ, always in contact.
Payment in time and in full.
31 October 2016
19 USD
Development of equipment.
A great customer.
I recommend everyone to cooperate.
Latest published projects |
Set up Google Ads
Development of a sticker for the physical product "Firewood Rack"
22 USD
Setting up Instagram and Facebook ads
Promotion of the website to the first page of search, and Google advertising
108 USD
Optimize photos for WebP format
Creation of banners for Etsy and the website
17 USD
Audit of advertising campaigns Google, Etsy
Creation of a layout for laser cutting of metal
12 USD
Creating illustrations for a log holder and wall grill
17 USD
Develop stencil cutting design
31 USD