Aleksandr S.
Design & art
Outsourcing & consulting
OneQuery: Prestashop requests to download the catalogue
Databases & SQLPrestashop requests to download the catalogue (Categories, characteristics, Prices, etc. by d)
Table in invitation = 10
Text of request ~ 3 KiB
Requests = 2
… Join = 9
Column in result ~ 50+
#Prestashop #mysql
Design and Development of BD (Yii2, migrations)
Databases & SQL#MySQL #Migration
Design of Information System
Web Programming
Reviews and compliments on completed projects 164
24 November 2024
116 USD
API connection
Thank you for the project, a lot of work was done. Everything was always done conscientiously and with quality. Also, Oleksandr helped with my other project. We didn't meet the deadline, but the task was completed well, so I can recommend Oleksandr!
22 July 2024
241 USD
Design a database: part one
I needed to design a complex database; the task included the database architecture, creating the database itself and its migrations in PostgreSQL, as well as developing models for use in PHP (Laravel).
Oleksandr performed everything very well; his proactive approach and ability to ask the right questions significantly eased the process. Oleksandr not only assisted in the design but also actively shared his own thoughts and ideas regarding the project.
Collaborating with Oleksandr was a true pleasure. He fully immersed himself in the topic, which made it easy for us to find common ground. The results of his work exceeded all my expectations, and I look forward to our further collaboration.
I recommend Oleksandr as a highly qualified and dedicated professional with whom you can achieve great results.
23 May 2024
241 USD
Thank you for completing the project. Alexander was very helpful with data collection.
| Personal | Response feedback
3 May 2024
36 USD
I was glad to consult with Alexander, hope for cooperation in the future.
24 September 2023
229 USD
Setting the site according to TZ
A little down on the schedule, but according to the quality, everything is done best. I recommend it!
27 August 2023
48 USD
6 MySQL: Materials to the lesson
Works performed according to TZ
15 August 2023
422 USD
We need to work on the Laravel project.
Excellent performers, performed the tasks, fixed all the bugs. I recommend !
30 July 2023
60 USD
You need to remove the old lines after updating the script on Laravel
He worked with the Developer very pleased with his work, well-knownly passed the upgrades of the old developer, even corrected some small details I didn’t clarify in the TZ. The main feature of the developer is that it quickly captures what you need. I advise everyone.
22 July 2023
36 USD
4 MySQL: Materials to the lesson
Good professional, quality work that meets expectations
16 July 2023
48 USD
B2B work written on the framework yii
Everything is done in time and in time.
14 July 2023
96 USD
Developer of Yii PHP Framework
The task is done with quality and with all desires.
3 July 2023
24 USD
Screenshots of Data Extraction from BD - DLE
Everything went great. The task is performed at 10 balls.
27 June 2023
12 USD
Opencart 2.3 to write 4 requests to BD
I did everything well and quickly. I recommend cooperation!
14 June 2023
96 USD
Translate the site to Yii 2 from Yii 1
I like to work with this man.
30 May 2023
11 USD
MySQL Task
The work was done very well, quality and quickly! Alexander responsiblely placed himself to the performance of the task, clarified and discussed even the smallest details. Thank you !
24 May 2023
36 USD
Imagery of Images (OpenCart)
Responsible and pleasant in communication!
31 March 2023
29 USD
Correction of the order download code (Woocomers)
Super performers ! Fast, clear and accessible. I definitely recommend!
24 March 2023
12 USD
Help with deploying a simple yii2 project to shared hosting
Fast and quality work.
24 March 2023
121 USD
Development of Web Applications of SCP
The work is performed.
The impressions of the project cooperation remain only positive.
The executor:
Competent and quiet
Always in connection
It quickly enters the task.
Flexible in the process of interaction
I was comfortable working with this executive.
I am planning to cooperate with this executive
18 March 2023
14 USD
Examples of requests for periodic intervals
Alexander is a qualified specialist. It should be noted not only its level of developer, but also a very careful attitude towards the customer.
17 March 2023
14 USD
Create a list of currencies
The work is done at the highest level, I recommend it!
17 March 2023
64 USD
To perform the web pages according to the TZ and the description below
I'm happy to work with Alexander.
8 March 2023
193 USD
Yii2 -> Micro service for visualization of cashflow202 accounting
Unbelievably pleased with the collaboration with Alexander! Well understood the assigned task, we were constantly in dialogue and thus could find the optimal solutions for implementation, each answer or proposal is deep and thoughtful. He did not think of bicycles, but he approached professionally all the difficult situations that occurred. The result was much better than I thought from the beginning. Always in communication, not laughing on the little ones, discussed only what was worth talking about, decided oral only what was hard to describe. Extremely recommended!
22 February 2023
60 USD
Importing goods to OpenCart at BD level (MySQL+PHP)
A very professional approach to work, the executor succeeds in the smallest details, offers solutions. I recommend it!
30 January 2023
82 USD
Transfer two sites from Ucoz to WordPress (BD and content)
The task is accomplished. Thank you for the work.
15 January 2023
84 USD
Transfer site from Ucoz to WordPress (only BD and content, WITHOUT DESIGN)
The expert has learned about the characteristics of the building of the database uCoz and transferred all the necessary data to our MySQL BD. The structure and integrity of the data were preserved.
Thank you for the work done!
22 October 2022
10 USD
Create 2 CSV files with a list of software classes and ITI professions(and interconnected)
As always done well, I recommend cooperation.
26 September 2022
Create a CSV file with a list of all countries
The work is done perfectly! A person literally understands a task in a few words and performs it as accurately as possible! I strongly recommend the specialist to collaborate!
22 September 2022
193 USD
Fullstack in project: Laravel, Vue.Js
Everything is great. The work is performed. Thank you !
11 September 2022
Create a Time-Zone list
The work is done simply elegantly! Better than all hopes! I highly recommend this person to collaborate!
16 August 2022
10 USD
Add names of languages in Russian, Ukrainian, French
It’s not the first time I’m going, and as always, it’s done better than I expected. I recommend it!
29 July 2022
24 USD
Complete the base of cities by major cities
One of the best people with whom I had to work. The work is done at a high level. I recommend cooperation!
26 July 2022
84 USD
Converter of the DLE base to the WordPress MySQL
Responsible execution, the work works perfectly !!The !
7 July 2022
12 USD
Make a task according to TZ
I recommend cooperation. A great professional
30 June 2022
Send SMS when filling in the form
Everything is fine, we will continue to talk.
20 June 2022
10 USD
Imagine and implement 10 SELECT requests for a ready BD
Alexander performed the work as well and in the defined time. Entirely satisfied with the result. If necessary, I will contact you again.
A good specialist, a pleasant person. Fully satisfied with cooperation.
13 May 2022
Зробити правильний description для сайту стаитстики
Greatly done. Excellent programmer
12 April 2022
72 USD
Ищу програмиста для улучшений и правок сайта. В будущем перенос сайта
It was a long time, but not just because of the war. The project is done and I’m happy.
26 January 2022
593 USD
Создание различных сущностей и уровней доступов. Фреймворк Laravel
I was completely satisfied with the work! You can dare to rely on the artist! The only thing to do is speed! Thank you !
22 January 2022
19 USD
ERwin Data Modeler: Семантическая,логическая,физическая модели
Executive of the highest level. Thank you very much for another project. I hope to continue cooperation.
| Response feedback
21 January 2022
Enter the data from the file into the sql plate
Fast and profitable. I add to the list.
10 January 2022
12 USD
Consulting - rewrite the site / Evaluate functionality / CMS, Framework ?
The work is performed responsibly. I ordered a consultation, everything was detailed. thank you
9 January 2022
15 USD
Создание и нормализация БД от 1НФ к 3НФ
Alexander, as always "on height", clear and fast implementation of all the conditions of the TZ. One of the best performers, who is not afraid of difficulties, is open to everything new, is not limited to a "direct" approach and will always offer the best regeneration for your task.
| Response feedback
3 January 2022
It’s all great!! I really liked the work of Alexandra.
31 August 2021
300 USD
Web сайт с постраничной навигацией. Доработка страниц сайта
Несмотря на небольшую задержку со сдачей проекта предложил лучшие условия на следующий этап. Всячески рекомендую к сотрудничеству!
31 August 2021
239 USD
Develop the client’s personal office on the existing website (Laravel)
The work was done according to TZ. There were delays in time.
12 August 2021
304 USD
Web сайт с постраничной навигацией. Первичное создание приложения
Работа выполнена грамотно и в срок. Спасибо!
25 July 2021
204 USD
Обновление сайта
Всё норм, согласно ТЗ, но со сроками как всегда беда....
18 July 2021
17 USD
Correction of the slug error in the project on yii2
As it turned out there was no mistake) Alexander broke out with the fact that the server was not working properly and corrected.
16 July 2021
36 USD
Redirect non-active language versions in the project to Yii2
It was more difficult than I thought, but Alexander performed the task perfectly. I strongly recommend cooperation!
9 July 2021
24 USD
Multi-language work on yii2
Thank you Alexandra for the good work.
He did everything quickly and was always in touch.
I will contact again.
31 May 2021
241 USD
Система керування цифровимі колекціями
Все зроблено у повному обсязі
17 May 2021
24 USD
Create a database of "Sports Club" Mysql
Thank you very much for the work, everyone is happy, the work is done well and quickly.
I was always in contact and answered all the questions, great work)
15 May 2021
23 USD
Создание таблиц и SQL-скриптов , реализующих запросы из файла.
Работа выполнена в полном объеме и даже раньше срока. Высококвалифицированный и внимательный к деталям специалист. Получил всю необходимую информацию и помощь в понимании всех нюансов.
30 April 2021
12 USD
Составление SQL Запроса
Очень ответственный и лояльный исполнитель. Данную задачу пытались сделать несколько исполнителей, никому это не удавалось. Я вложил себе в голову что это прям очень сложная задача. Александр - тот человек, который просто взял, и развеял это мнение. Разложил задачу по полочкам, задал уточняющие вопросы и просто сделал. Настоящий проффесионал. Всем очень рекомендую к сотрудничеству. Всегда на связи, лоялен, общителен.
20 April 2021
24 USD
You need a Yii specialist to remove bugs
Work was done quickly and quality.
7 April 2021
Request for a database
The As always, the task is performed at 5+
29 March 2021
29 USD
Implementation of yii2
Thank you to Alexander for your work! Everything is done in time. Thank you =)
23 September 2019
96 USD
Робота по обновлению сайта
Всё хорошо, только со сроками опять затянулось 😔
20 August 2019
36 USD
Create a xml download file for the rocket.
The project is implemented. There were delays in execution, which were compensated.
25 June 2019
169 USD
Доработка сайта на yii2
Александр сделал свою работу, все работает. Есть большая задержка по сроку из-за семейных обстоятельств Александра, компенсировал эту задержку бесплатной 3х месячной поддержкой сайта.
7 May 2019
30 USD
Сделать работу по сайту
Работа выполнена хорошо. Спасибо!
19 April 2019
36 USD
Подготовить прайс в формате XML для интернет-магазина Rozetka
Работа выполнена профессионально,качественно,рекомендую.
15 April 2019
10 USD
Обновить прайс для Rozetka
все супер! обращаюсь часто по поводу прайса xml - рекомендую
5 April 2019
14 USD
The website of Yii 2
Alexander has done the task well. Everything is done quickly and according to TZ. The manager is constantly in contact. Thanks to you.
26 March 2019
19 USD
Data Analysis in Excel
Work is done in time, constantly in contact
21 March 2019
Simple sql request
Everything is fine, thank you for help.
19 March 2019
Формирование картинки с базы Mysql для шашечных задач
Работой очень доволен! Все быстро и четко!
6 March 2019
30 USD
Работа с базами данных, управление контентом - опции товаров OC3
Сложное задание, требующее внимательности, точности, специальных знаний, выполнено отлично! Обязательно будем обращаться в дальнейшем и настоятельно рекомендуем к сотрудничеству мастера своего дела!
28 February 2019
Adjust the phone numbers in Excel
Work is done, work is done
8 February 2019
12 USD
Working with the database of the site
The project is completed, the work is done.
6 February 2019
44 USD
Working with BD
Alexander completed the task with 10 points out of 10! Very pleased ! I advise!
| Response feedback
26 January 2019
Convert Excel to Google Contacts CSV
Everything is fast, cheap and good. remained satisfied
25 January 2019
Сайт на Framework Yii, нужно добавить 1 товар
Сотрудничество прошло отлично. Работа выполнена качественно и в срок. Рекомендую!
| Response feedback
27 October 2018
40 USD
Implementation of functional calculations of the online booking site
The work is performed. Everything is done quality and professionally. All wishes are taken into account.
The only disadvantage is a delay in time.
5 October 2018
603 USD
Yii2(2.0.6-dev) developer needed
A great freelancer is a professional of his business. Fundamental approach and feel experience in the declared knowledge. There were delays in terms of time, but in general, I recommend cooperation.
21 September 2018
96 USD
Интеграция платежной системы
Проект выполнен в полном объеме, не смотря на смещение конечных сроков.
Александр умеет планировать рабочее время, что немловажно как для заказчика, так и для фрилансера. Ответственно относится к работе.
Оперативно и адекватно реагирует на поправки.
В некоторых моментах хотелось бы видеть чуть больше инициативы и чуть меньше контроля. Но это можно списать на многозадачность проекта и отсутствие полной визуализации к ТЗ.
Если четко формулировать задачи, сотрудничеством останетесь довольны!
28 August 2018
26 USD
Проект по обработке ЭКСЕЛЬ
Работа сделана не просто хорошо, человек создал личный проект и сотворил больше чем нужно. Все идеально и понятно. Не ожидал такого результата. Огромное спасибо за работу, обязательно буду заказывать еще.
Только положительные эмоции!
19 August 2018
31 USD
In the wordpress theme template to implement a file download
He performed the task perfectly. I recommend it.
16 August 2018
SQL запрос.
Спасибо за качественно сделанной работы.
| Response feedback
11 August 2018
Repair of WordPress
Alexander is a clear and communicative performer. I quickly fixed the bug. I strongly recommend. I’ll talk again.
10 August 2018
289 USD
Написання плагінів, сервісів для онлайн-магазину на WP+Woocom (ч1 з 2)
Професійний програміст з розумінням принципів роботи WP+Woocommerce i PHP, приємно працювати. Хотілось би трішки більш чітко попадати в терміни, думаю в наступних проектах все буде відмінно. Продовжуємо працювати. Дякую!
14 July 2018
48 USD
Price sheet for Rosetki and WordPress
The project is implemented. The result will be achieved.
9 July 2018
19 USD
Поддержка и доработка crm системы
Все отлично. Проект выполнен. Разработчика рекомендую.
6 July 2018
29 USD
XML rozetka
работа выполнена четка, быстро, качественно! быстро реагировал на все вопросы! все понравилось!
25 June 2018
17 USD
The task was to change the meta tag(title) on the site. Everything is done at the highest level despite the self-writing engine of the site. I will contact again.
21 June 2018
10 USD
Wordpress + WooCommerce + PHP
The executive did everything quickly. Thank you for work
16 June 2018
17 USD
Create a SQL request for assignment of categories
It was all at height.
Tactics, honesty, your business knows well!
13 June 2018
24 USD
Создать прайс листы в формате xml для магазинов Розетка и Фотос
Высокий уровень коммуникации. Все четко в сроки. Рекомендую.
1 June 2018
12 USD
Requires processing or processing of the prom to the hotline in yml
It was nice to work, everything was done in time. Thank you for the dop. Detailed consultations and explanations
21 May 2018
386 USD
Web приложение для оформления, контроля и учета туристических тур ч3
Все отлично но вот с последней частью проекта не уложились в сроки. Александр мастер своего дела.
13 May 2018
36 USD
Preparing a price in XML/YML format for the Rozetka online store
I am completely satisfied with the work of Alexander, the project was completed in time and quality. I will contact again.
7 May 2018
18 USD
Подготовить прайс в формате XML/YML для интернет-магазина Rozetka.
Все замечательно. Рекомендую.
19 April 2018
24 USD
Making xml from a SQL database for a web site
A very good job. We were all happy and the rosets liked our price. I will advise you all! Success to you.
17 April 2018
14 USD
Upgrades on the site
A wonderful specialist. I liked everything. We will work further.
12 April 2018
Adjust the phone numbers in Excel
Great work! I recommend it.
28 March 2018
Вывести кастомную ссылку
Спасибо огромное, все на высоте! Надеюсь на дальнейшее сотрудничество.
| Response feedback
23 March 2018
Take data from MySQL PHP
A great expert, quickly disappointed everything. I did everything quickly and efficiently, much earlier. I recommend !The !
16 March 2018
To raise the bd to phpmyadmin done through Backup/OpenCart Restore
For the first time I worked with Alexander, the task was successfully closed, thank you for cooperation!
15 March 2018
48 USD
Доработать счетчик скачиваний на Contao CMS
В очередной раз работа выполнена на высоком уровне. Задание завершено, плюс даны подробные инструкции по дальнейшей работе.
27 February 2018
12 USD
The website on Drupal
This is not the first time we collaborate. Excellent work, a great specialist. 10 out of 10
16 February 2018
552 USD
Web приложение для оформления, контроля и учета туристических тур ч2.
Как всегда все отлично. Учел все пожелания, указал на наши недочеты в ТЗ и предложил свои варианты. Буду и дальше работать с ним.
14 February 2018
Create a price list of XML formats for a rocket
They me to understand everything, did it at the time and accompanied me all the time. I am very happy, I recommend this specialist to everyone.
14 February 2018
Нужно перенести сайт на WP на другой домен
Ответственно подошел к работе, рекомендую, все сделал!
6 February 2018
48 USD
Разработать счетчик скачивания файлов
Александр все выполнил в срок и качественно. Никаких нареканий, все четко по ТЗ, был постоянно на связи. Подошел к работе даже с долей творчества. Надеюсь на сотрудничество в дальнейшем.
29 January 2018
20 USD
Update Amazon SKU to Prestashop SKU
1.Разобрался к коде 2 Сделал 3 Есть гарантия !! Всё кул
17 January 2018
241 USD
Web application for planning, monitoring and registration of tourist activities.
Master of your business. Thank you great Alexander.
14 January 2018
Adjust WordPress Advanced Custom Fields
Everything was great, done quickly and as it was done. Thank you !
5 January 2018
36 USD
You need a php programming for remote constant work on the portal
Thank you very much to Alexander for working on the PHP nod in the project and connecting the payment system through PayPal. I recommend the freelancer.
30 December 2017
12 USD
Optimization of MySQL requests
Thank you for help with request.
22 December 2017
PHP + Mysql link - a small pair of line output
Everything is very fast, informative and without any extra questions like some other performers.
21 December 2017
24 USD
Website for calculating formulas
Work is satisfied. Not only wrote the project, but also in searching for information. Comfortable to work.
6 December 2017
72 USD
Settings to synchronize the Shop with the Shop on WP+Woocommerce !
Alexander is the absolute professional of his business. I’ll be contacting further. A little move in terms of time because the circumstances of personal nature have arisen but the result will be achieved and that’s the main thing.
14 November 2017
Comparing/comparing data in csv (exel) lines by their ID
I liked it, quickly and relevant.
13 November 2017
Installation of Liqpay
Great work!
10 November 2017
rhp programming on Joomla needs to change the date output in the news blog
Thank you Alexander for working on correcting the date format in the news. I recommend the freelancer.
8 November 2017
41 USD
Перенос сайта с частичной переадресацией
Всё выполнено в соответствии с техническим заданием.
Однозначно рекомендую к сотрудничеству.
18 October 2017
Create a request for a template of WordPress posts
The Golden Man, thank you, solve the unusual situation
17 October 2017
12 USD
Доработка по сайту на Wordpress
Все супер! Александр провел прекрасную работу, постоянно на связи! Буду дальше обращаться
11 October 2017
Compare information in Excel files (e-mail address)
Everything is clear, accessible, quality and fast. I recommend!
29 September 2017
Automatic processing of price lists opencart
I recommend cooperation. Quick, quality and always in contact.
24 September 2017
24 USD
A hard calculator to php.
Thank you Alexandra for your work! A great specialist!
18 September 2017
Reformate Excel Price List Data
It was necessary to reformat the Excel file with products. Alexander performed the work with a number of rectangles, had to assign some fields, but the performer managed. Thank you for work.
12 September 2017
The wordpress project for Alexander Šterbina
The work is done.
10 September 2017
36 USD
Repair the page in the old PHP
A good and responsible programmer. I did more than I was in TZ. I recommend ! You will not regret.
29 August 2017
Create an Excel table by size of clothes from two others
A very professional approach to the matter. The task is performed in time and quality.
29 August 2017
Want to create a site? Find WordPress Themes and Plugins
Everything was great, it was fun to work, I did everything quality and honestly!
29 August 2017
121 USD
Help transfer data from the old BD to the new
Alexander is a great artist!The project we worked on was initially assessed for 20 days, but the final result was extremely complicated and lasted about 4 months.From my side all the time came new directions and additional tasks that Alexander dealt with on "Hour!“”Some things had to be done over 2-3 times exclusively on my fault, as it was difficult to predict something in a project of such a scale.Alexander perfectly understood the situation and tried to finish the project in time, without paying attention to the constant changes in the original TZ.This is my second project with Alexander and I am very pleased to collaborate with him.Alexander does his work very consciously and always offers different ideas for the development of the project, which can’t be unpleasant.Of course, I don’t want to recommend an executive of this level to someone, because I myself have a lot of tasks for Alexandra!and 🙂
But the fact remains the fact - it's one of the best performers I had to work with!Thank you !
28 August 2017
15 USD
Продолжаем сотрудничество 2
Как и раньше всё хорошо. Александр адекватный исполнитель.
Не только чётко выполняет поставленные задачи, но так же подсказывает как можно улучшить и оптимизировать существующий проект.
26 August 2017
Create a price list of XML/YML for the Internet Store
It worked great, I proposed a few options, thank you for the job!
23 August 2017
72 USD
Wordpress: Add a phone number validation using SMS with code
The work is done very well, I recommend cooperation!
7 August 2017
12 USD
Продолжаем сотрудничество
Со сроками беда 😔
7 August 2017
Writing a PHP condition for currency rates for the site
Thank you Sasha! Excellent code, everything works properly.
1 August 2017
48 USD
Upgrades on the site and admin (custom cms). PHP CSS JS
I liked the individual approach of Alexander to the project. The improvements were carried out with a minimum intervention in the source code.
13 July 2017
Small code in PHP with time bond
Thank you Sasha. It’s not the first time we’re working, it’s ok.
8 July 2017
Conversion of the mysql database – change of coding
Thank you for help. I recommend it as a responsible executive.
10 June 2017
15 USD
Оптимизировать mysql запрос
Выполнено все согласно поставленой задаче. Быстрая связь, конкретные вопросы, супер цена. Рекомендую
30 May 2017
31 USD
The website developed using Yii2
Alexander is an adequate executive.
TZ was composed approximately, in the course where something not before understood each other or appeared in the process was corrected without problems changed.
The time was a bit delayed, but I didn’t rush anywhere at first.
| Response feedback
29 May 2017
Coach for SQL requests in Google BigQuery
Alexander qualifiedly solve the issue! I recommend !
17 May 2017
36 USD
Implementation of link in sections and product card
Alexander worked well with the task, he did everything clearly as it was. I'm happy to work, it's not the first time.)
9 April 2017
Writing a SQL request is timely.
Operational and professional assistance. I am grateful and recommend cooperation.
24 March 2017
43 USD
Assistance in the design of the relational database architecture
Alexander is a great artist! It has strong knowledge in the database and server architecture. Always try to offer the best solution to the problem. Alexander is skillfully argumenting his position and explains in detail why his decisions are better. I was very pleased to cooperate with him! We will start a new project tomorrow. I recommend it unconditionally!
20 March 2017
Plugin filter does not work on the site. Wordpress
The executive did everything perfectly! I advise!
13 March 2017
36 USD
Addition to JoomShopping 4.14.3
The warmest feelings of cooperation. Excellent feedback. Excellent orientation to a quality result. All additional and unrecognized nodes were solved with the maximum effectiveness possible. satisfied with your choice. I am very pleased that Alexander has chosen to do this project and intends to continue cooperating if Alexander has the desire to do so.
Alexander, thank you very much!
22 February 2017
51 USD
Importing a database through a module
Careful and hardly! Pleased with work!
| Response feedback
17 February 2017
Preparing a customer base for import. Elementary work in Exel.
The work was done perfectly, according to all wishes. Alexander very quickly. thank you.
12 February 2017
Check the site for viruses and remove malware.
A good job. I recommend it.
9 February 2017
Installation of GTM
He did everything quickly. Reacted to all comments. He was in contact all the time.
7 February 2017
Need for a proger
Super, the beautiful man did quickly and the most important thing in time. I recommend to everyone.
| Response feedback
4 February 2017
Add the file field to the form
Thank you Alexander for the work done. It was all in time and according to TZ. I am constantly in contact.I hope for further cooperation.
3 February 2017
31 USD
Требуются правки сайта на phpshop
Александр превосходно справился с задачами, сделал все четко и на высшем уровне. Мои рекомендации!
29 January 2017
10 USD
Screenshots php filter products by name
Everything in time and according to TZ. I recommend.
| Response feedback
23 January 2017
29 USD
You need to make links on a php website.
He turned to Alexander about the work on the self-writing engine and did not regret anything. The engine code itself was not written very well at first. But Alexandra did not stop it, he broke up in the code quite quickly and performed all the improvements on the TZ. In the process of work, he demonstrated himself as a good faithful, responsible and decent executor. I hope for further fruitful cooperation with this programming!
20 January 2017
10 USD
Task of the php in devel studio
The work was done greatly!!! All with explanations. Completed in time. Communication and contact with the author exceeded all of my expectations!
| Response feedback
12 January 2017
Writing the php condition
Thank you Alexandra for the rapidity) despite the late time)
6 January 2017
SQL запрос
Очень компетентный фрилансер, сделал за час то, что другие делали целый день. Быстро вник в суть вопроса, и результат не заставил себя долго ждать.
Сотрудничеством доволен. Всем рекомендую.
21 December 2016
24 USD
Plugin/functional development for the site. Wordpress
In general, the work was done well, but there was a delay in submitting the project. The manager is in good contact.
| Response feedback
16 December 2016
12 USD
Solution of a WordPress error (woocommerce)
A great executive. I have done it all, I advise!
15 December 2016
24 USD
Working with WP Woocommerce Ajax
A very good specialist! Everything at the highest level! I will be happy to work with them and to...
26 November 2016
10 USD
Set the right product sorting in Woocommerce
And again, I didn’t make a mistake in choosing the contractor. Alexander had the task on 10. Thank you very much for the work!
| Response feedback
22 November 2016
60 USD
Interesting work for an experienced PHP programmer (Woocommerce CMS WordPress)
Thank you very much for the work done!!The !
Alexander is a great programmer. The work was difficult, not everyone would deal with it.
Back to the height!
| Response feedback
19 November 2016
A crypt that considers 4k users and will create users
The second time I am calling Alexander and the second time I am 10 out of 10. He performed his work clearly, quickly and quality.
13 November 2016
11 USD
Make a complete script for sending a mail! PHP experience is mandatory.
Everything is done by TZ
12 November 2016
12 USD
Create the User through Contact Form 7. Wordpress
I am very pleased with Alexander's work. He did it in time and was always in contact. Soon I solved my problem. I hope we will continue to cooperate. Thank you again, Alexander!The !
Recent proposals 10 | Budget | Added | Terms | Proposal | |
Bot снайпер nft
482 USD
Виконати деякі покращення функціоналу сайту на Yii 2
43 USD
Database migration
241 USD
Freelance-project |
Database Design
Analysis and Refactoring of the Backend
120 USD
Backend and database analysis
118 USD
12 USD
121 USD
Data analysis
181 USD