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Translated17 USD

Applications 1

App view is available only registered users.
  1. 451  
    7 days17 USD

    Good day, I will complete this project quickly with the drawings you need.
    Доброго дня виконаю даний проєкт швидко з потрібними вам кресленнями

  2. 910    6  0
    1 day17 USD

    Good evening, I can help you with this issue.
    You can see examples of my work in my personal account.
    Добрий вечір, можу вам допомогти з цього питання.
    Приклади робіт можете побачити в моєму особистому кабінеті.

  3. 1289    63  4   2
    1 day17 USD

    I will carry out planning and visualization
    Виконаю планування та візуалізацію

  4. 528    38  1
    1 day17 USD

    Hello Natalia.
    I am developing interior designs with visualization.
    Вітаю Наталія.
    Я розробляю дизайни приміщень з візуалізацією.

  5. 978    3  0
    1 day17 USD

    Good day, we can discuss your task. I can do it today.
    Portfolio - Behance
    Best regards, Mykola.
    Доброго дня, можемо обговорити вашу задачу. Зробити можу сьогодні.
    Портфоліо - Behance
    З повагою, Микола.

  6. 990    9  0
    1 day17 USD

    Good evening, I will be able to complete your project tomorrow, I also need to clarify where exactly to place the wall.
    Добрий вечір, завтра зможу виконати ваш проект, також потрібно уточнити де точно розмістити стіну

  7. 1 bid hidden
  • Dmitro K.
    5 December 2024, 1:34 |

    Доброго дня.

    Вам потрібно накреслити щось по розмірах?

Current freelance projects in the category Drawings & Diagrams

Room measurements

71 USD

It is necessary to take measurements of the premises Transfer the data to paper and into the program for further processing Kiev, right bank

Drawings & Diagrams ∙ 1 day 20 hours ago ∙ 3 proposals

Make measurements of the apartment in Lviv.

24 USD

Make a measurement of the apartment in Lviv. Submit a sketch done in pencil for the further production of a new technical passport by us.

Drawings & Diagrams ∙ 2 days 18 hours ago ∙ 2 proposals

Development of furniture design for mass production

71 USD

Good day. We are the company Konveyer.com.ua specializing in metal processing and manufacturing custom metal products. We are currently launching our series production of loft furniture and commercial equipment (shelves, racks, showcases, stands, reception desks, advertising…

Drawings & DiagramsLandscape Projects & Design ∙ 2 days 21 hours ago ∙ 6 proposals

Calculation of the truss.

A calculation and drawing of a reliable single-slope truss is needed. A hangar for a cargo truck is planned. The length of the hangar will be 15m, width 7m. The height to the truss is 5m The truss is planned to be 7m long. The height of one side is 60cm, and the other side…

Architectural DesignDrawings & Diagrams ∙ 3 days 9 hours ago ∙ 9 proposals

MDF product set

A specialist is needed (possibly a designer) who will do the following:1. Create 3D models of the products (each part separately and the assembled set) in STP format based on images from other manufacturers.2. Create drawings in .dxf (for further milling on CNC) of each part of…

Object DesignDrawings & Diagrams ∙ 3 days 18 hours ago ∙ 10 proposals

Project published
1 month 14 days ago
  • SketchUp
  • AutoCAD