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Integrate Nova Poshta service into a website based on Shopify

Translated24 USD

  1. 566
     2  0

    2 days24 USD

    Hello! I can add both Nova Poshta and Mono Pay. Let's get in touch to discuss the details of your project!
    Вітаю! Можу додати як Нову пошту, так і Mono Pay. Давайте зв’яжемося, щоб обговорити деталі вашого проєкту!

  2. Serhii Dorotich Web-Shum
    1782    39  3   4
    5 days72 USD

    Good day!
    I can help you with development, I have experience in layout and php, laravel, vue, wordpress.
    Feel free to contact me, I would be happy to work together.
    Доброго дня!
    Можу вам допомогти з розробкою, є досвід верстки та php, laravel, vue, wordpress.
    Звертайтесь буду радий попрацювати.

  3. 1 bid hidden

Current freelance projects in the category Online Stores & E-commerce

Change details on the Shopify site

36 USD

1. The main page of the site needs to be hidden (it is currently at the link https://baccarahome.com/). 2. Instead of the previous main page, this page should be made the main one: https://baccarahome.com/collections/divani. 3. On the main page, 2 collections…

Online Stores & E-commerceWebsite Maintenance ∙ 2 hours 23 minutes ago

In 1C we switch to receipt printers and PРRO

Currently, everything is set up through a fiscal printer. We want to abandon it and switch to a receipt printer + pRRO. We are already using the DM server from Vchasno.Kasa where other individual entrepreneurs are set up. We need all printing, both fiscal receipts and…

Online Stores & E-commerceEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP) ∙ 2 hours 59 minutes ago ∙ 1 proposal

Images on the WP site are loading slowly.

Images on the site load slowly from Ukrainian IPs, while they load quickly from European ones. We need to help find the reason.

Online Stores & E-commerceWebsite Maintenance ∙ 16 hours 9 minutes ago ∙ 8 proposals

Transfer of the site from Promua to the free constructor Way4Pay

I am looking for a specialist to create a website on way4pay using the free constructor It is necessary to make a website similar to my website on PromUa with the transfer of design, structure, and content

Online Stores & E-commerce ∙ 16 hours 28 minutes ago ∙ 2 proposals

Changing several settings in Shopify

37 USD

The tasks are small, taking a few hours a day. The main page of the site needs to be hidden (it is currently at the link https://baccarahome.com/).Instead of the previous main page, this page should be made the main one: https://baccarahome.com/collections/divani.Two collections…

Online Stores & E-commerceWebsite Maintenance ∙ 19 hours 28 minutes ago ∙ 13 proposals

Marina Verbovskaya
Ukraine Kyiv  1  0
Project published
1 month 4 days ago