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Applications 1

App view is available only registered users.
  1. 102  
    2 days14 USD

    Good day !
    Ready to take this job.
    I have a higher education, senior teacher, postgraduate
    I write specialty articles, diploma, coursework
    I look forward to your appeal!
    Добрий день!
    Готовий взятися за цю роботу
    Маю вищу освіту, старший викладач ЗВО, аспірант
    Пишу фахові статті, дипломні, курсові роботи
    Чекаю на Ваше звернення!

  2. 114  
    1 day14 USD

    I will help with the fulfillment, guarantee compliance with the requirements and deadlines! As a teacher, I know what to do. Unicity of checking)
    Допоможу із виконанням, гарантую дотримання вимог та строків! Як викладач, знаю що робити! Унікальність перевірю)

  3. 267    10  2   3
    2 days12 USD

    Hello, I am glad to help. Experience in teaching activities over 5 years. The work will be done at the time specified or earlier, you will be satisfied with the quality. If you need a correction, I enter it free and timely!
    Здрастуйте, радий допомогти). Досвід викладацької діяльності понад 5 років. Роботу виконаю у встановлений термін або раніше, якістю ви будете задоволені. Якщо потрібно коригування, вношу безкоштовно і своєчасно!

  4. 172  
    1 day12 USD

    Good day, I want to work with you and fulfill your task.
    There is experience in the creation of such works.
    I am waiting for your message.
    Доброго дня, хочу по співпрацювати з вами та виконати ваше завдання.
    Є досвіт у створені подібних робіт.
    Тому чекаю на ваше повідомлення.

  5. 986    35  3
    1 day12 USD

    Good day .
    Ready to take your task, I will do it quickly and efficiently.
    There is experience in writing different types of works.
    I look forward to your SMS.
    Доброго дня.
    Готовий взятися за ваше завдання, виконаю швидко та якісно.
    Є досвіт у написання різних видів робіт.
    Чекаю вашого смс.

Current freelance projects in the category Tuition

Google Earth Pro

72 USD

Hello! I need to learn how to work in Google Earth Pro. To place markers, measure heights, shade areas, tasks, overlay several files on top of each other. To become a confident user. To work with Kmz files.

Tuition ∙ 3 days 1 hour ago ∙ 1 proposal

Elegoo Neptune 4 Max setup consultation

Task Description: We are looking for a specialist who has experience working with 3D printers Neptune 4 Max. The main goal is to identify and eliminate technical malfunctions, perform setup and calibration of the printer, as well as provide recommendations for printing…

Tuition ∙ 3 days 15 hours ago


SaaS/coaching in the field of Dropshipping for a German-speaking audience. We work on the CRM system go high-level, where we often need assistance in setup from specialists. We are also happy to consider services in the field of marketing and lead generation

TuitionData Parsing ∙ 4 days 17 hours ago

Need consultation on choosing a platform for the Online School

I am looking for a specialist who can help select the optimal platform for launching an online training school for distributors of a direct sales company. Main requirements for the platform: ✅ Support for various content formats (video lessons, tests, presentations, text…

TuitionWebsite Development ∙ 8 days 16 hours ago ∙ 11 proposals

Assistance with documents

36 USD

Need a bit of teaching skills. I need to be trained a little in international documents t1 cmr, invoice, packing

Information GatheringTuition ∙ 8 days 19 hours ago ∙ 2 proposals

Project published
2 years ago