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Sales Manager


  1. 247  
    30 days360 USD

    I have experience in this field, in the position of project manager. We will be happy to collaborate, write to us. We are considering a long-term partnership.
    Маю досвід в такі сфері, на посаді менеджера проектів. Раді будемо співпраці, пишіть. Розглядаємо як довготривалу співпрацю.

  2. 139  
    30 days480 USD

    Good morning. Ready to collaborate. Has experience in sales of various types of products. There will also be no problems with setting up the website and official pages in messengers.
    Доброго ранку. Готовий до співпраці. Має досвід у продажах різного напряму продукції. Також не виникне проблем для введення сайту і офіційних сторінок у месенджерах.

  3. 192  
    1 day19 USD

    Good day. I am ready to join the project. I have worked for more than 2 years in the marketing field and I am engaged in the sales of goods and services.

    I am ready to start today – feel free to reach out)
    Доброго дня. Готова приєднатися до проекту. Працювала більш ніж 2 роки в сфері маркетингу і займаюсь продажами товарів та послуг.

    Готова приступити вже сьогодні – звертайтесь)

  4. 2073    36  0
    1 day24 USD

    Good day!

    I have experience in sales, and for the last 2 years, I have been working as a project manager in the marketing field, focusing on promoting brands on social media. I believe my experience could be useful for you, so we could discuss the details further in private messages.

    I am available for work and ready to start immediately after discussing the details of the collaboration.
    Доброго дня!

    Маю досвід роботи у продажах, останні 2 роки працюю у проєктною менеджеркою у сфері маркетингу, займаюсь просуванням брендів у соцмережах.
    Думаю, мій досвід може бути корисним для вас, тож можна було б поспілкуватися детальніше в особистих повідомленнях.

    Доступна для роботи, розпочати готова відразу ж після обговорення деталей співробітництва.

  5. 1 bid hidden

Current freelance projects in the category Customer Support

Psychological assistance, individual consultations

19 USD

If you feel confused, anxious, or tired of repeating life situations and find it hard to understand your feelings, figure out the reasons for your inner discomfort, or find harmony in relationships, I can help you with this. I am a psychotherapist (specialization -…

Customer Support ∙ 10 hours 36 minutes ago

Cold calls based on the provided database

24 USD

A specialist is needed to make cold calls using the provided script. There is a database of contacts. Full reporting is required for all calls (audio recording of conversations + table). In case of 100% "satisfaction of needs," long-term (permanent cooperation) is possible.…

Customer Support ∙ 15 hours 2 minutes ago ∙ 1 proposal

Open the candidate's resume (with contacts) for payment.

24 USD

If you have employer access on Work.ua (purchased subscription), and you can just take screenshots of the resumes that are needed, then please write to me. I need the resume (number) + VC if available. For 10-15 UAH per resume (I will consider your offers). This is needed on a…

Customer SupportRecruitment (HR) ∙ 16 hours 28 minutes ago ∙ 1 proposal

Find potential clients

We are looking for a lead generation specialist who will help us attract new clients. What needs to be done? Find potential clients (B2B) (tools of your choice) Form databases of target companies and contacts (responsible persons, managers) Write or contact, make a presentation…

Lead Generation & SalesCustomer Support ∙ 1 day 4 hours ago ∙ 4 proposals

Sales Manager

648 USD

BlackWhiteGold, We are a rapidly growing company in the sales sector. At this stage, we are expanding our staff due to entering the international market. A sales manager is an employee without whom the company's progress is impossible, so we are looking for active, ambitious,…

Cryptocurrency & BlockchainCustomer Support ∙ 1 day 4 hours ago

Sergo Halak
Ukraine Kyiv  2  0
Project published
3 months 3 days ago