Mobile Applications Managed by iOS
The TZ is available and will be issued to the direct executor. General issues will be discussed in a personal letter.
Необходимо написать приложение, которое будет работать в фоновом режиме и при получении пуш-уведомления будет запускаться и выполнять определенные действия. Подробности в личку, также там обсудим сроки и стоимость.
ТЗ имеется и будет выдано непосредственному исполнителю. Общие вопросы обсудим в личной переписке.
1633 9 0 Good day !
I was interested in this task, ready to discuss details.
With respect,
by Ivan.
Доброго дня!
Мене зацікавило дане завдання, готовий обговорити деталі.
З повагою,
199 Good night ! I didn’t understand until the end of your transition to TZ. Please write to ls.
Доброї ночі! Не зрозумів до кінця ваше превью до ТЗ. Будь ласка, напишіть в лс
463 1 0 Hello, you won’t be able to do that on iOS! It’s not possible, or on the edge of fantasy.
Привіт, ви не зможете таке реалізувати на IOS! Це не можливо, або на грані фантастики
Current freelance projects in the category Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
Востановить утерянные фото icloud
12 USD
Я сбросила айфон и стерла настройки и iCloud удалились все фото из iCloud , ,,,нужно их восстановить Software & Server Configuration, Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad) ∙ 44 minutes ago |
Development of a mobile scanner application for checking kosher products
598 USD
It is necessary to create a cross-platform mobile application (iOS and Android) for scanning product barcodes, checking them in the kosher product database, and searching for products by categories. 1. Scanning Barcodes • The ability to scan product barcodes using the… App Development for Android, Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad) ∙ 21 hours 49 minutes ago ∙ 12 proposals |
Publication of the app in the app store
100 USD
We receive such a rejection, the app is a simple mail aggregator, nothing illegal Application rejection due to design 4.3 - Spam Guideline 4.3(a) - Design - Spam We noticed that your app still has similar binaries, metadata, and/or concept as apps submitted to the App Store by… Hybrid Mobile Apps, Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad) ∙ 1 day 17 hours ago ∙ 2 proposals |
Мобильное прилодение на FlutterFlowВсем привет делаем апп на FlutterFlow нужна помощь для ускорения работ взять часть работ на себя сможете ? Hybrid Mobile Apps, Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad) ∙ 2 days 10 hours ago ∙ 3 proposals |
Development of application utility Scanner
646 USD
We are looking for an experienced developer to complete the development of a mobile application for document scanning. The application is already partially ready, and your task is to refine it to full functionality, including the integration of all necessary features such as… Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad) ∙ 2 days 21 hours ago ∙ 6 proposals |