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Need to upload the finished IOS application to the developer account.

Translated25 USD

Current freelance projects in the category Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad)

Development of an application on Flutter

Hello! We are looking for an experienced Flutter developer for long-term collaboration, who can not only write quality code but also independently create basic designs in Figma. This will be an application for learning foreign languages using flashcards, which has a minimalist…

App Development for AndroidApps for iOS (iPhone and iPad) ∙ 2 hours 30 minutes ago ∙ 2 proposals

Flutter iOS - Design Spam & Error

120 USD

I'm seeking an author with unconventional thinking to craft a piece that reflects your personal insights after reading the assigned text. I'm not looking for a mere summary, but a unique interpretation that blends deep analysis with genuine emotion and unexpected ideas. I want…

Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad) ∙ 1 day 6 hours ago ∙ 1 proposal

Android and/or IOS: rebuild with new versions

There is a program ABCTALKWITHME. Created 8 years ago, Swift + Xcode. and JAVA+Android Studio The OpenCV library was used It needs to be rebuilt on current versions. Please write (preferably the full) cost for what you can do: - For IOS - For Android - Both I will provide the…

App Development for AndroidApps for iOS (iPhone and iPad) ∙ 4 days 2 hours ago ∙ 8 proposals

Write code for an iOS application using neural networks (quickly, in a couple of days)

Project: iOS application for generating children's fairy tales (based on ChatGPT) Goal: Develop the application code as quickly as possible, using AI solutions (ChatGPT, Cursor, etc.). Fast, cheap, so it works. No need for future improvements. Bad code is not a problem. The…

Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad) ∙ 4 days 5 hours ago ∙ 5 proposals

Востановить утерянные фото icloud

12 USD

Я сбросила айфон и стерла настройки и iCloud удалились все фото из iCloud , ,,,нужно их восстановить

Software & Server ConfigurationApps for iOS (iPhone and iPad) ∙ 5 days 5 hours ago ∙ 1 proposal

Filip Borkowski
Poland Poland  7  0
Project published
3 months 2 days ago
  • xCode
  • App store
  • iOS