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Repaint the year hieroglyph

Translated6 USD

Client's feedback on cooperation with Hristina Danyltsiv


Quickly and efficiently. I recommend for collaboration.

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Aleksandr D.

Task formulation

Nice to work with, good person

  1. 225    1  0
    Winning proposal1 day6 USD

    Good day, I can help you with this assigned task.
    Quickly and efficiently
    I will be happy to collaborate
    Доброго дня, можу допомогти вам з цьою поставленою задачею.
    Швидко і якісно
    Буду рада співпраці

  2. 1 bid hidden
  • Maks Kyiv
    13 October 2024, 10:08 |

    Доброго дня!
    А у векторному форматі якщо зробити - не підійде?

Current freelance projects in the category Text Editing & Proofreading

Translation of instructions

13 USD

Technical task for the translation of instructions 1. Language of translation: • Translation of instructions from Russian or English into Ukrainian. 2. Submission format: • The final document format — PDF. 3. Formatting requirements: • A unified style and font for…

AI Content CreationText Editing & Proofreading ∙ 9 hours 57 minutes ago ∙ 22 proposals

Editing, proofreading, correction of errors

Good afternoon! It is necessary to edit and correct errors in the text. This concerns the comments, prefaces, verbatim texts, and afterwords to the books of Tsiolkovsky. The comments are written by a clergyman of the Vedic tradition. Therefore, there are some nuances regarding…

Text Editing & Proofreading ∙ 13 hours 47 minutes ago ∙ 20 proposals

Proofreading of the article (historical theme, academic style).

10 USD

A linguistic proofreading of the article is required (checking grammar, especially cases; spelling; punctuation) and to make and/or suggest improvements where needed, especially regarding the simplification of complex and convoluted sentences for better perception. The article…

Text Editing & Proofreading ∙ 1 day 10 hours ago ∙ 38 proposals

A book about one's life - a bilingual edition

359 USD

I want someone to record my life. How I lived, studied, played football, danced, fought, and similar things! (a lot of fun and not fun things) I am looking for a professional in their field! Inspiration, intellect, and imagination are needed from this person who will help me…

Poems, Songs & ProseText Editing & Proofreading ∙ 2 days ago ∙ 15 proposals

Consult on adding a book to Amazon

12 USD

It is necessary to publish a book in Ukrainian, Russian, and English. The text is ready, all description attributes are ready. I need a person who has already published books on Amazon and knows how to do it correctly. Guide me online through all the stages. I will provide a…

Text Editing & ProofreadingRewriting ∙ 3 days ago ∙ 4 proposals

Aleksandr D. ГО Освіта
Ukraine Kyiv  37  1
Project published
4 months 4 days ago