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Connecting My Sql database to Power BI

Translated12 USD

  1. 1588    30  2
    1 day12 USD

    Good day. I am ready to take on your project. Do you have MySql installed on your PC?
    Добрий день. Готов взятися за ваш проєкт. Чи встановлено у вас MySql на ПК?

  2. 3499    166  0
    2 days19 USD

    Good day. I am ready to discuss the details of your task. Write to me. Thank you. -=-=-

    Доброго дня. Готовий обговорити деталі вашого завдання. Пишіть. ДЯкую. -=-=-

  3. 327    4  0
    2 days12 USD

    Hello! I will help you fix the My SQL connection error. Details in the PM.
    Вітаю! Допоможу виправити помилку підключення My Sql. Деталі в ПП.

  4. 1 bid hidden

Current freelance projects in the category Databases & SQL

System administrator

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Automation of product card creation on the marketplaces Prom and Rozetka

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1C UNF. Consultation and setup.

24 USD

Hello. 1C UNF: It is necessary to create and configure access for different categories of employees both on the server and to 1C itself. Consultation on improving document flow processes and reports and their automation Consultation on synchronization with Open Cart and the…

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Assistance in refining Kotlin Server

121 USD

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Boris Kuban
Ukraine Lvov  5  0
Project published
17 days 14 hours ago
  • Power BI
  • MySQL
  • Data Connection