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20 Google Play testers

Translated29 USD

Client's feedback on cooperation with Kostyantin Sozonyuk


all good did what I promised.

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Sergey Mazur

Task formulation

Everything is great, I recommend for collaboration)

  1. 1669
     19  0

    14 days29 USD

    Good day. I am interested in your task. There are 5 devices. I am ready to complete it.
    Доброго дня. Зацікавило ваше завдання Є 5 девайсів. Готовий виконати

  2. 165  
    15 days29 USD

    Hello! I am interested, there are several devices for applications.
    Здравствуйте! Интересует , есть несколько устройств для приложений

  3. 795    8  0
    14 days29 USD

    Good afternoon.
    I am ready to perform the testing.
    There are 2 devices.
    Добрый день.
    Готова выполнить тестирование.
    Есть 2 устройства.

  4. 1212    49  2
    Winning proposal14 days29 USD

    I have experience in similar work.
    Feel free to contact me, I will do everything in the best way.
    Есть опыт подобной работы.
    Обращайтесь, сделаю все в лучшем виде.

  5. 187  
    14 days29 USD

    Good afternoon, I'm interested! There are two devices, we can discuss the details.
    Добрый день, интересует! Есть два устройства, детали можем обговорить.

  6. 1006    27  0
    14 days48 USD

    Good afternoon, I am ready to implement your task, the conditions are clear. I am waiting for your application.
    Добрый день, готов реализовать вашу задачу, условия понятны. Жду от вас приложение.

  7. 1570    31  0
    14 days60 USD

    Good day! I have more than 20 similar projects in my portfolio, live people, real devices.
    Доброго дня! Більше 20-ти схожих проектів у мене в портфоліо,живі люди, реальні девайси

  8. 340    3  0
    14 days29 USD

    Hello! I'm ready to start working. Can we discuss the details in private messages? Thank you!
    Здраствуйте! Готова начать работать. Можем обговорить детали в лс? Спасибо!

  9. 1 bid hidden

Current freelance projects in the category Testing & QA

There are two webview applications, they need to be tested and errors identified.

We are developing an application that needs to be tested for Android and IOS and to create detailed technical specifications.

Hybrid Mobile AppsTesting & QA ∙ 1 day 19 hours ago ∙ 7 proposals

Resolve the issue with email blocking

need to solve the problem with email blocking when sending a message, they say that the letters cannot be delivered (I am attaching screenshots). We are looking for a pro who will solve this problem.

System & Network AdministrationTesting & QA ∙ 4 days 22 hours ago ∙ 12 proposals

Sergey Mazur
Ukraine Kyiv  4  0
Project published
2 months 5 days ago
  • Google Play