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Integration with AMO CRM

Translated48 USD

Client's feedback on cooperation with Pavel Nikitenko


I really liked working. Clear, consistent and professionally. Each evening report on the work done. All questions were quickly clarified. The best solutions were proposed and eventually invested in the budget. I am happy to work with Paul and I highly recommend it to everyone! I’m going to talk to myself again 😉

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Yehor Zaramki

Task formulation

Fast determined by TZ, to all the questions arising during the development, Igor answered quickly, cooperation satisfied, I recommend.

  1. 890    6  0
    Winning proposal7 days48 USD

    Good day, we’re going to integrate with the site. The integration consists of a JS script that transmits the necessary data from forms to a php script that is located at the client on the server (for example, where the site itself is located).
    Добрый день, сделаем интеграцию с сайтом. Интеграция состоит из js скрипта, который передает нужные данные с форм на php скрипт, который расположен у заказчика на сервере(например, там где лежит сам сайт).

  2. 1430    70  0
    7 days24 USD

    Hello to you! 
    I have a lot of experience with WordPress and specialize in it. 
    Go to turn!
    = = = = = = =
    Есть большой опыт с WordPress, специализируюсь на нем. 
    ==> ==> ==>

  3. 303    8  0   3
    2 days24 USD

    I’m working with Amo CRM and I’m its official partner, I’ll make the necessary integration, I’ll also suggest and develop the elements of the digital wall.
    Добрый день работаю с Amo CRM и являюсь ее официальным партнером, сделаю нужную интеграцию, так же подскажу и разработаю элементы цифровой воронки

  4. 1 bid hidden

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Yehor Zaramki
Ukraine Kyiv  18  0
Project published
5 years ago