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Need to upload the ready IOS application to the developer account


  1. 1406    10  0
    1 day24 USD

    Ready to complete the task. Can you please provide information about the application's topic
    Готовы выполнить задачу. Можно ли узнать тематику приложения

  2. 2939    254  5   2
    1 day18 USD

    Anton, good day!
    Ready to help with uploading the application to the app store.
    Feel free to contact me, I will be glad to cooperate!
    Антон, добрый день!
    Готов помочь с загрузкой приложения в апстор.
    Обращайтесь, буду рад сотрудничеству!

  3. 4 more hidden bids

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Filip Borkowski
Poland Poland  7  0
Project published
7 months 9 days ago