Oracle Simphony
Забезпечити ефективну роботу всіх бізнес-процесів ресторану шляхом налаштування системи Oracle Simphony
Наразі є базова конфігурація,потрібно підключити та конфігурувати усі пристрої
Oracle MICROS Simphony Kitchen Diasplay Services Cloud Service Kitchen Display Client – 1 шт
Oracle MICROS Inventory Management Cloud Service- 2 шт
Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service,for Android-POS Client – 3 шт
Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Service,Plus Edition – POS Client – 2 шт
Oracle MICROS Handeld 500 with 5.5-inch display (Android OS)- 3 шт
Touchscreen monitor with Oracle MICROS Kitchen Display Controller 210 (Win10)- 1 шт
Oracle MICROS POS Workstation 625X(Win10) – 2 шт
Applications 1
318 Hello, I can develop a Telegram bot, feel free to contact me.
My stack: JS, TS, ReactJS, NextJS, SCSS...
Вітаю, можу розробити тг бот, звертайтесь.
Мій стек: JS, TS, ReactJS, NextJS, SCSS...
Current freelance projects in the category Databases & SQL
Working with the Google APIA mini-service is needed with 7 filters for searching videos on YouTube based on specified filters. The display of information should be user-friendly for the average user. Databases & SQL, Data Parsing ∙ 1 hour 49 minutes ago ∙ 1 proposal |
Website creationIt is necessary to create a website with an admin panel and user support for the registration of objects in a small quantity (up to 200 objects per year) with the formation of a database Databases & SQL ∙ 1 hour 59 minutes ago ∙ 3 proposals |
System Administrator
12 USD
There is a server on Contabo that needs to be checked for what is happening there. Show me all the files that are there and explain what everything is for. A person with experience, so that nothing gets deleted. Databases & SQL ∙ 3 hours 19 minutes ago ∙ 2 proposals |
Create an optimized and fast database for translation
48 USD
It is necessary to create a database or add to an existing table that will work quickly for translation. More than 1 million records in the table. The site is on core. Translations already exist and are being finalized. In the future, further collaboration is possible if… Databases & SQL ∙ 8 hours 18 minutes ago ∙ 2 proposals |
Data parsing from the website
359 USD
It is necessary to set up data (product) parsing. There is a source website (links will be provided in advance to the potential executor for assessing the complexity and scope of work) from which data needs to be parsed according to a schedule. The format of the data can be… Databases & SQL, Data Parsing ∙ 8 hours 30 minutes ago ∙ 9 proposals |