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  1. 4526
     53  1

    1 day646 USD

    Good day, I am interested in your offer. I would be happy to collaborate.
    Cost calculations for deadlines after discussing the details.
    Please review the portfolio.
    Доброго дня, зацікавила Ваша пропозиція. Буду радий співпраці.
    Розрахунки вартості термінів реалізації після обговорення деталей.
    Перегляньте портфоліо.

  2. 5080
     39  0

    25 days598 USD

    Good day! I am ready to perform the work efficiently and within the agreed deadlines. I have over 7 years of experience. Write to me in private messages, we will discuss the details and I will get started.
    Добрый день! Готов выполнить качественно и в оговоренные сроки. Опыт более 7 лет. Пишите в л/с обсудим детали и приступаю.

  3. 1545    9  0
    24 days479 USD

    Hello. I specialize in CRM, dashboards, databases, and web services for processing, accounting, and analytics. Convenient and modern design. Development is fully turnkey. Feel free to contact me.
    Здравствуйте. Специализируюсь на CRM, dashboard, базах данных и WEB-сервисах обработки, учета и аналитики. Удобный и современный дизайн. Разработка полностью под ключ. Обращайтесь

  4. Serhii Dorotich Web-Shum
    1782    39  3   4
    20 days646 USD

    Good day!
    I can help you with development, I have experience in layout and php, laravel, vue.
    Feel free to contact me, I would be happy to work together.
    Доброго дня!
    Можу вам допомогти з розробкою, є досвід верстки та php, laravel, vue
    Звертайтесь буду радий попрацювати.

  5. 243  
    5 days48 USD

    Good day, Pavel! I can fulfill your order for CMS Drupal.
    Добрий день, Павел! Можу виконати Ваше замовлення на CMS Drupal.

  6. 168  
    30 days646 USD

    I will do it on the NextJs or React framework.
    Сделаю на фреймворке NextJs или React

  7. 49970    947  1   10
    7 days646 USD

    Hello. I have extensive experience in website development. I am ready for collaboration.
    Здравствуйте.Есть большой опыт в разработке сайтов.Готов к сотрудничеству

  8. 956    25  4   2
    24 days646 USD

    Ready to work on Laravel + VueJS
    Extensive experience in creating various websites. Feel free to contact me, I will gladly do everything

    I can show my work
    Готов выполнить на Laravel + VueJS
    Большой опыт в написании различных сайтов. Обращайтесь, с удовольствием все сделаю

    Могу показать мои работы

  9. 8 more hidden bids
  • Artem S.
    3 January, 13:56 |

    Добрый день. Это самопис или CMS?

  • Pavel G.
    3 January, 21:37 |

    Здравствуйте. Самопис.

  • Alex Nuijen
    6 January, 23:56 |

    Добрый день.
    Готов заняться вашим проектом.

Current freelance projects in the category Databases & SQL

Create an optimized and fast database for translation

48 USD

It is necessary to create a database or add to an existing table that will work quickly for translation. More than 1 million records in the table. The site is on asp.net core. Translations already exist and are being finalized. In the future, further collaboration is possible if…

Databases & SQL ∙ 1 hour 20 minutes ago

Data parsing from the website

359 USD

It is necessary to set up data (product) parsing. There is a source website (links will be provided in advance to the potential executor for assessing the complexity and scope of work) from which data needs to be parsed according to a schedule. The format of the data can be…

Databases & SQLData Parsing ∙ 1 hour 32 minutes ago ∙ 6 proposals

Consultations on BAS AGRO KUP

Consultations are needed for working in the BAS AGRO KUP program (industry configuration "IN-Agro") Specifically on cost formation, month closing, agricultural production.

Databases & SQL ∙ 1 hour 38 minutes ago

Collection of Instagram metrics in Google Sheets via API

215 USD

Develop a system for automatic analytics collection from Instagram via the official API and recording the obtained data in Google Sheets. List of metrics: For each post, it is necessary to obtain and store the following indicators: Link Content type (post/reel) Date of…

Databases & SQLData Parsing ∙ 3 hours 6 minutes ago ∙ 1 proposal

Salesforce Team Lead

We have a request for a Salesforce Team Lead! Requirements: Experience with Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and Community (Experience) Cloud. 2+ years of experience in the position of Team Lead. Proficient in Apex and LWC framework. Desired experience working with large-scale…

Databases & SQLDesktop Apps ∙ 5 hours 59 minutes ago

Pavel G.
Ukraine Ukraine  4  0
Project published
1 month 11 days ago
  • API
  • MySQL