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Find the phone numbers of the heads of medical institutions.

Translated12 USD

Client's feedback on cooperation with Yana Bilous


Thank you, everything is fine - I understood the situation and corrected what was necessary.

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Anton Kharitonov

Task formulation

It was a pleasure to collaborate. Everything is according to the agreement! I would be happy to work with this client again!

  1. 4905    150  0
    7 days241 USD

    I am ready to start working.
    I work efficiently and quickly.
    Feel free to contact me!
    готова приступитидо роботи.
    Працюю якісно і швидко

  2. 624    6  0
    Winning proposal1 day12 USD

    Hello, I am interested in your offer. Please contact me in private messages.
    Вітаю, зацікавила ваша пропозиція. Звертайтеся в приватні повідомлення.

  3. 550    5  0   1
    1 day24 USD

    Good evening
    I am ready to start
    I suggest starting with the first 50 contacts
    Доброго вечору
    Готовий розпочати
    Пропоную почати з 50 перших контактів

Current freelance projects in the category Customer Support

Lead processing

Processing leads coming from the chat bot, it is necessary to schedule a call with them, possibly find out which countries they are from. Work every day for 1-2 hours maximum, about 10 leads come in per day. Work for a month, payment is weekly.

Customer Support ∙ 15 hours 51 minutes ago ∙ 9 proposals

Looking for a salesperson with experience in remote sales in the financial services sector.

207 USD

Hello! I am a financial consultant and I am looking for a strong sales specialist who can effectively work with clients remotely — through the internet or call center. It is important not just to negotiate, but to close deals and bring in new clients.What needs to be done:—…

Lead Generation & SalesCustomer Support ∙ 1 day 1 hour ago ∙ 3 proposals

Company name

It is necessary to come up with a name for a company that will provide machine plastering services for walls. The name should be memorable, and accordingly, there should be no such companies with this name in Ukraine. In the future, a website will need to be created with this…

Customer SupportWebsite Development ∙ 1 day 6 hours ago ∙ 18 proposals

Organization of VIP catering by a hotel/restaurant business entity

72 USD

The main part of the graduation qualification work (project) consists of up to 50 pages of A4 format text, font size - 14 points, line spacing - 1.5) and is regulated according to the specifics of the educational program.

Customer Support ∙ 1 day 20 hours ago


193 USD

Our company operates in the field of international communications and provides IP telephony. We work with over 150 countries around the world. We are looking for a person who is engaged in finding clients interested in this topic

Customer SupportSocial Media Advertising ∙ 3 days 4 hours ago ∙ 4 proposals

Anton Kharitonov
Ukraine Dnepr  2  0
Project published
3 months 4 days ago