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Create a document template in KeyCRM CSS HTML layout

Translated12 USD

  1. 228  
    1 day12 USD

    Good day, I am ready to start working on this order in the near future.
    Добрий день, готовий розпочати виконання даного замовлення у найближчий час.

  2. 1 bid hidden

Current freelance projects in the category Databases & SQL

Nest.js Backend development for a mobile online game

651 USD

About the project: Backend for a mobile 2D online game with real-time 1v1 battles between players. The project involves using socket.io for instant transmission of game events, developing resource acquisition logic, leaderboards, and achievements, as well as an online chat for…

Databases & SQLGaming Apps ∙ 2 hours 2 minutes ago

Convert Firebird 2.5 database to Firebird 3.0

12 USD

We have a database file that works with Firebird 2.5 and is used by the Windows program Carstore. We want to convert the database to a newer version 3.0 and above so that it can work with PHP while remaining compatible with Carstore.

PHPDatabases & SQL ∙ 11 hours 57 minutes ago ∙ 2 proposals

System administrator

12 USD

Ability to work with Parallels Desktop. 1. accidentally deleted a file, it is not in the recycle bin, need to roll back to the previous day 2. set up backups from Parallels Desktop to Google Drive 3. clear memory

Databases & SQLDesktop Apps ∙ 1 day 2 hours ago ∙ 2 proposals

Automation of product card creation on the marketplaces Prom and Rozetka

A script needs to be developed for the automatic creation of product cards for the marketplaces Prom.ua and Rozetka. The script should take data from a table (Google Sheets / Excel / SQL DB) and generate a product card in the form of Google Docs / CSV / JSON / XML, which can be…

PythonDatabases & SQL ∙ 1 day 2 hours ago ∙ 6 proposals

Modification of Excel file for car rental: integration of calendar and automatic date calculation

I have an Excel file with car rental calculations, which already has calculation formulas in place. However, I need to add a few functions for ease of use: Date selection integration: It is necessary to implement the ability to select dates using a calendar (Date Picker) for…

Databases & SQLData Parsing ∙ 1 day 9 hours ago ∙ 9 proposals

Project published
2 months 24 days ago
  • keycrm
  • css
  • HTML