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Calls to Romania


  1. 1280
     16  0
    Work samples:
    AXE Digital - Corporate Identity Design | Branding
    2 days72 USD

    Hello! You might be interested in collaboration on design, and it will be necessary to develop a new proposal ))

    My experience covers over 70+ different niches, which allows me to deeply understand various markets and offer solutions that really work. I create a stylish, modern design for your business.

    I am confident that our collaboration will open new opportunities for your business and help you stand out among competitors. Feel free to reach out!

    Portfolio - Freelancehunt
    Вітаю! Може Вас зацікавить співпраця по дизайну, та потрібно буде розробити нове КП ))

    Мій досвід охоплює понад 70+ різних ніш, що дозволяє мені глибоко розуміти різні ринки та пропонувати рішення, які дійсно працюють. Створю стильний, сучасний дизайн для Вашого бізнесу

    Я впевнений, що наша співпраця відкриє нові можливості для вашого бізнесу і допоможе вам виділитися серед конкурентів. Звертайтеся!

    Портфоліо - Freelancehunt

  2. 1016
     9  0

    3 days251 USD

    Hello, I am a native Romanian speaker. I am ready to complete the task.
    Hello, I am a native Romanian speaker. I am ready to complete the task.
    Hello, I am a native Romanian speaker. I am ready to complete the task.
    Вітаю, є носій румунської. Готова виконати завдання.
    Вітаю, є носій румунської. Готова виконати завдання.
    Вітаю, є носій румунської. Готова виконати завдання.

Current freelance projects in the category Information Gathering

Need photos of girls, different types with licenses for use.

100 USD

It is necessary to collect photos of 50 different people, girls aged 18 to 40 years, of various types of appearance and build. 60% of the models must be beautiful women. (slim figure). From each person, a minimum of 3 photos and a maximum of 5 are expected. Photos should not…

Information GatheringPhotography ∙ 3 hours 50 minutes ago ∙ 2 proposals

Parse 100 contacts (emails, phones, company name)

12 USD

Companies must be active, contact details must be current Fields: development, design, chat bots, copywriting studios, SEO, SMM, targeting There are no priorities, it can be distributed equally among all fields Interested in the cost and deadlines for the work

Information Gathering ∙ 8 hours 45 minutes ago ∙ 11 proposals

Create a Google sheet for ordering set lunches and breakfasts.

120 USD

Good day. We are interested in creating a table for ordering complex lunches. I will try to formulate a clear technical task. Unfortunately, I do not often use Google Sheets, so I may formulate something incorrectly in the request; we will make adjustments as needed. The…

Information GatheringData Parsing ∙ 1 day 4 hours ago ∙ 19 proposals

Supplier search

48 USD

Good afternoon, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth search for goods and services in Ukraine. About 20-30 manufacturers/importers in total for the product/service. I will send more details privately.

Information Gathering ∙ 1 day 5 hours ago ∙ 13 proposals

Expand documents

There is 1 document with 58 pages, it is necessary to add relevant graphs, expand the formulations, but maintain the presentation of the information in the document, the information also needs to be arranged according to the template If the work is liked, there will be another…

CopywritingInformation Gathering ∙ 1 day 22 hours ago ∙ 7 proposals

Andrew Uhplast
Ukraine Kyiv  60  0
Project published
1 month 8 days ago
  • Excel