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The Time Programme

Translated5 USD

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Client's feedback on cooperation with freelancer


He performed the task quickly and qualityly. Then I got another task, which he had done too. He saved me from death, I can say) A great thanks to Vitalika =))

Freelancer's feedback on cooperation with Yevgeny Gorbishin

Task formulation

Все описал как следует. Хорошо поставленная задача = выполнена работа

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Current freelance projects in the category C & C++

Development of software for the microprocessor controller of a solid fuel boiler

It is necessary to develop software for the microprocessor controller of a solid fuel boiler built on the basis of the STM32G microcontroller. The microprocessor controller must maintain the temperature of the heat carrier within user-defined parameters by controlling the air…

C & C++Embedded Systems & Microcontrollers ∙ 4 hours 41 minutes ago

Decomposition of the program for making changes

602 USD

Good afternoon, I need to lay out the program for making changes, I am providing a link to the program http://vidainstaller.volvocars.biz/client-installer/VIDASetup.exe

C & C++Python ∙ 2 days 1 hour ago ∙ 4 proposals

Development of a coordinate capture module

Project Goal Develop a module that allows the user to select an area of the screen (drag & drop), obtain its coordinates (X, Y, width, height), and save them to the project file.Functional Requirements A mini-window that can be moved and resized (drag & drop). After setting the…

C & C++Python ∙ 5 days 2 hours ago ∙ 8 proposals

Software enhancement: Automation of opening GTO+ files and selection of solutions

Task Description: It is required to improve the existing software that reads data from the poker table (cards, bets, stack) and uploads the corresponding files to GTO+. Some functionality has already been implemented, but the project needs to be brought to a working state.…

C & C++Python ∙ 5 days 5 hours ago

Реализовать открытие файлов по алгоритму (большая часть уже реализована)

Я готов обсудить разумные бюджеты и сроки, поэтому жду ваших предложений! О том, что реализовано и что требуется доработать - отпишу в конце ТЗ. Ссылка на статью с примерами и картинками, как это всё примерно выглядит: Этап 1: https://teletype.in/@ fbking_owner/etap1_gto .…

C & C++Python ∙ 5 days 8 hours ago ∙ 1 proposal

Yevgeny Gorbishin
Ukraine Chernovtsy  3  0
Project published
9 years ago