1C Programmer (Middle\Senior)
We are looking for a 1C programmer to complete the technical specifications for this program
Experience with 1C (development, technical specifications for unique reports/documents) is mandatory
Шукаємо програміста 1С для виконання ТЗ по цій програмі
Обов'язковим є досвід роботи з 1С (розробка, ТЗ на звіти / документи унікальні)
1950 13 0 Good day, I am ready to discuss all the details of the collaboration, I complete tasks quickly and efficiently. I am ready to help in solving the assigned tasks. If relevant – write to me, I will be happy to work with you.
Доброго дня, готовий обговорити всі деталі співробітництва, завдання виконую швидко та якісно.
Готовий допомогти у вирішенні поставлених завдань.
Якщо актуально – пишіть, із задоволенням з Вами попрацюю.
Вітаю, Юлія
Які задачі у вас є для виконання і чи потребуєте інтеграційні рішення?
Доброго дня! Працюю зі всіма версіями 1с і BAS (+написаними з нуля). Готовий почути ваші задачі та побажання
Current freelance projects in the category Databases & SQL
Fix errors in the website databaseWhen trying to change the availability parameters of products, set a promotional price, or add a new product, a 500 error related to the database appears (example in the screenshot). And errors appear not only with the alt text of images as shown in the screenshot; various… Databases & SQL, Web Programming ∙ 18 minutes ago ∙ 5 proposals |
Completion of the auto-posting plugin on Wordpress
12 USD
The custom plugin on Wordpress needs to be refined. A plugin was created that generates articles on the site through the GPT chat API. However, there was an error where it inserts 2 H1 headers or most often immediately after the H1 header, it creates an H2 header. Task: It is… Javascript and Typescript, Databases & SQL ∙ 4 hours 6 minutes ago ∙ 3 proposals |
Parser for WP siteIt is necessary to set up data (products) parsing for a Wordpress site.There is a source site (the link is ready to be provided to the potential performer for assessing the complexity and volume of work), from which data needs to be parsed on a schedule to a working WP site.… Databases & SQL, Data Parsing ∙ 5 hours 6 minutes ago ∙ 2 proposals |
Page with the fate matrix and shares calculatorWe need a platform that allows for automatic calculations based on various parameters. On one hand, we want to obtain a share distribution function (e.g., depending on financial contribution, role in the project, or other factors), and on the other hand — generate a personalized… Databases & SQL, Javascript and Typescript ∙ 5 hours 54 minutes ago ∙ 1 proposal |
Back-end developer for mobile applicationA back-end developer is required to write the server part of a mobile application for IOS and Android Brief description of the application's functionality: - Personal profile, friends, user rating system - Integrated map with POI and friends' geolocation - Chat and community… Databases & SQL ∙ 10 hours 48 minutes ago ∙ 11 proposals |