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  • Module of Air Conditioning

    Embedded Systems & Microcontrollers
    The air conditioner control module has two main functions:
    1) the function of the thermostat - the tracking of the indications of the thermostat and the response of the system when the temperature of the specified installations is reached.2) the transmission of the IP package of data (command for the air conditioner).The device is built on the MC stm32f103c8t6.From the external components to work it requires the connection of the thermodator (ds18b20 or ntc thermistor) and the IC LED (for the radiation of the IC commands).T K .The device was developed remotely without physical access to the air conditioner (and also in the requirements was a condition of compatibility with EVERY air conditioner), the IC receiver TSOP31238 was installed for receiving commands from the home air conditioner.The algorithm of the program allows you to take (and keep in the PCU for further reproduction) the IQ of the team of EVER(!)A protocol with a length of 0.05 ms to 65 ms and a length of 1 to 400 bits of data.The o.The developed device is "trained" and can be adjusted to work with almost any home air conditioner (principally with any device controlled by means of ICT transmission).Working with the device (his configuration) is done using the buttons and the seven-segment indicator set on the payment.

  • 11 USD

    Signalization of GSM

    Embedded Systems & Microcontrollers
    Software-hardware complex of local security signaling. It was developed according to the individual requirements of the customer. Low cost, easy to use.
    Microcontroller – Signalization

  • 1800 USD

    Vending controller, self-service moach. and td.

    Embedded Systems & Microcontrollers
    Controller for venture equipment, self-service moulds, payment modules, etc.

    Technical characteristics :
    11 entries under the external buttons;
    - 11 outputs to light the active button (or other programmed outputs, for example for relay)
    - 13 outlets for the rally;
    - to the recipient bank account;
    - for the monetary recipient;
    The bonus card for bonus cards;
    - toys for the fluid consumption;
    The temperature sensor;
    real time clock;
    2 pieces of finishes;
    The external matrix indicator;
    External 7-segment module;
    External display switch (lcd 1602, 2004, or any other on I2C, SPI)
    - internal service display for settings, etc.
    the wifi;
    GSM (SIM) - Module
    Online monitoring;
    - food input: +24v, +12v; output: +12v, +5v, +3.3v.

  • Control of step-by-step engines with smartphone

    Embedded Systems & Microcontrollers
    The program is developed under esp8266, as well as an Android application.
    The Android app allows you to control two step engines connected to the payment with the IC. When you press the button on the smartphone, the engine begins to rotate, when the button is released, the engine stops.
    The system has 2 engines (28byj-48 and 17hs4401)
    #sp8266 #Android #stepmotor
    In the application window there are the buttons to control each of the engines separately (speed and rotation direction task)

    Additionally, it is possible to scale the system (in the program for esp8266 is encrypted a unique system ID, which must be indicated in the application for the smartphone)

  • 19 USD

    3D graphics on the microcontroller.

    Embedded Systems & Microcontrollers
    I was written a small system of rendering 3D images in real time.
    The maximum size of the picture is 256x256 points.
    It allows you to draw both the wire graphics and the painted triangles.
    There is the possibility of imposing texture, pixel and top shadery,
    Z is a buffer, a buffer of trafficate.
    Optimized as much as possible. (for #Arduino Mega2560)
    2 rotating squares give 25fps, the more geometry the less fps.
    Can be improved and used on more powerful controller or to render a quality image not in real time or to create games.

  • 3D Printers

    Embedded Systems & Microcontrollers
    Collection of #3D printer (received c China as a set of spare parts), setting, calibration, programming and printing. What software, what formats, what and where to convert, types of plastic, methods of printing with this all had to be understood.

  • 49 USD

    TFT module to display the info coming through the CAN band.

    Embedded Systems & Microcontrollers
    TFT module based on STM32 for real-time information displaying coming through the CAN band from different devices and organizing the menu for setting and managing equipment and other devices.

  • 19 USD

    USB_CAN adapter with isolation isolation.

    Embedded Systems & Microcontrollers
    An adapter for connecting a computer (minicomputer on Linux) via USB to the CAN bus for the purpose of studying and controlling actuators on this bus.

  • Control of the SAN tyres - relay, pneumon valves, etc.

    Embedded Systems & Microcontrollers
    Control of the SAN (CanonOpen Protocol) by 12 devices (pushers, pneumoclopans, etc.)
    With 220V discharge tracking at the entrance.

  • 437 USD

    The clock on the gas discharge indicators

    Embedded Systems & Microcontrollers
    Four gas discharge indicators IN-14, microcontroller #ATtiny88, microchema DS3231SN, movement sensor RCWL-0516. Dynamic indication, time display in the 24/12 format, date display, developed settings system (light diode lighting, timely sound signals, the inclusion of indicators by signal from the movement sensor with the time-out, etc. and p. Visual effects of the slot machine (in two options) and smooth shift of numbers. Written on #C.